October 9: International Walk and Roll to School Day
Fremont Unified has at least 34 schools participating in 2024 International Walk and Roll to School Day (IWR2SD), an annual event held by schools across the world to encourage students, caregivers, and the school community to walk, roll, or use other active modes of transportation to get to school.
Most Fremont Unified schools are participating on Wednesday, October 9, though some may celebrate on alternate date.
Participating schools tally the mode of transportation by which students arrive to school on IWR2SD by placing a sticker on a mode chart. Schools may also hand out prizes and host special guests from the community to cheer on students arriving at school.
Look out for more information from participating schools:
- Ardenwood Elementary
- Blacow Elementary
- Brier Elementary
- Bringhurst Elementary
- Brookvale Elementary
- Cabrillo Elementary
- Chadbourne Elementary
- Durham Elementary
- Forest Park Elementary
- Gomes Elementary
- Harvey Green Elementary
- Hirsch Elementary
- Leitch Elementary
- Maloney Elementary
- Mattos Elementary
- Millard Elementary
- Mission San Jose Elementary
- Mission Valley Elementary
- Niles Elementary
- Oliveira Elementary
- Parkmont Elementary
- Patterson Elementary
- Vallejo Mill Elementary
- Warm Springs Elementary
- Warwick Elementary
- Weibel Elementary
- Centerville Middle School
- Hopkins Middle School
- Thornton Middle School
- Walters Middle School
- American High School
- Irvington High School
- Mission San Jose High School
- Washington High School
For over a decade, hundreds of schools across Alameda County have participated in this annual countywide celebration. Click here to find more information about the program from Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools.
The City of Fremont offers resources for students and families to find the best route to walk and roll to Fremont Unified schools at city.fremont.gov/saferoutestoschool.