Back-to-School Updates from Fremont Unified
Dear Fremont Unified Community,
I hope you are enjoying a fantastic summer break.
I’m Erik Burmeister, and I became Fremont Unified’s superintendent on July 1. I’m sending my first Superintendent’s Newsletter next week, but I wanted to take this opportunity to share how impressed I am with the work by our staff in partnership with our community to develop the draft Long Range Facilities Plan that came forward at this week’s Board meeting. The next step in this work is the Special Board Meeting happening on Monday, August 5 at 6:00 pm. At that meeting, our Board of Education will decide if the November ballot will include an opportunity for the Fremont community to vote on a general obligation bond to support facility improvements in our district’s schools. I am thrilled that supporting the Board on this incredibly important topic is among my first big tasks as your superintendent, and I look forward to providing an update to you in my newsletter next week.
FUSD is getting ready to welcome each student for our first day of school on Wednesday, August 14. Please find back-to-school notices and reminders below, and continue to check your email and the FUSD and school websites regularly for updates. Please also log into your ParentSquare or StudentSquare account to set your preferred notification and language settings, and to find the messages and resources shared by your school and the District. More information about the recent launch of StudentSquare and resources for ParentSquare users is included below.
Erik Burmeister
First Day Attendance
All students are expected to attend school on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.
Students who are not in school the first day will not be guaranteed a seat in their assigned classes, and may be overloaded to other classes/schools upon return. Parents/Guardians must notify office staff if a student will be absent for illness.
Seats will not be held for students on extended vacations or other optional activities, whether or not the school is notified. (BP/AR 5113.1) The parent/guardian must notify the school on each day the student is absent.
2024-25 Calendar
Click here to find our instructional calendar with holidays, report card dates, and other important dates.
Reopening School Offices
Middle and high school offices will reopen on August 5, with the exception of Kennedy High School, which is closed to the public during construction and is expected to reopen on August 6.
Elementary offices will reopen Tuesday, August 6.
Aeries Parent Portal & 2024-25 MAZE Process
Fremont Unified transitioned to Aeries as our student information system for the 2024-25 school year.
In July, parents and guardians received information to activate their Aeries Parent Portal, and use the Portal to complete the annual MAZE process, called “Parent Data Confirmation” in Aeries.
Please complete the MAZE process for the 2024-25 school year by August 4, 2024.
Completing the MAZE/Parent Data Confirmation process ensures your student’s school has accurate information, and allows families to view student schedules/classroom assignments and their teachers when that information is released in August.
If you need support accessing your account or completing the Parent Data Confirmation process, please visit for troubleshooting and support.
Parent/Guardian & Student Handbook Notice of Rights & Responsibilities
The MAZE process includes acknowledgment of certain parent/guardian and student rights and responsibilities. Please view our 2024-25 Parent/Guardian & Student Handbook Notice of Rights & Responsibilities for more information.
ClassLink: New Password Reset Tool for Students
As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the security and independence of our students' digital learning experience, Fremont Unified School District is using a new Self-Service Password Reset Tool through the ClassLink platform.
Since the spring, parents/guardians have received initial and reminder email(s) with instructions to complete the mandatory account claim process for student
Google accounts.
On August 8 (new deadline), all student Google accounts that have not completed the password reset process will be disabled. Parents/Guardians will receive an email notification if their student’s account has been disabled, with information on
how to re-activate their student’s account.
Once you have completed this process, please ensure your student knows their new password.
StudentSquare for Middle and High School Students
This year students in grades 6-12 will have access to StudentSquare for communication with their teachers and school. This platform, which is part of the District’s existing agreement with ParentSquare, will allow students to set notification preferences to receive messages via email, text and/or app.
Click here for more information and support topics.
ParentSquare Resources
All Fremont Unified schools and parents/guardians are able to use ParentSquare for home-to-school communications. Find links for training and help videos, app downloads and answers to frequently asked questions at
Community Liaison Support
Fremont Unified’s Community Liaisons act as a bridge between staff, families, community, and the District. The multilingual Liaisons provide one-on-one support to families to help them connect to the resources they need.
Click here to learn more about the Community Liaison support and resources available.
FREE School Meals in 2024-25
Each FUSD site will offer free breakfast and lunch to all enrolled students in the 2024-25 school year! Please check with your school site for cafeteria hours and more information.
Visit for menus, nutritional information and more.
Extended Day Care
All FUSD elementary schools will work with a community partner program to provide extended day (before/after school) and enrichment programs for enrolled students in the 2024-25 school year.
Families of all FUSD elementary school students may contact the program providers for registration and more information.
Families with students who are designated in one or more specific categories (English learners, foster youth, homeless students, migrant students, and students who are free or reduced-price meal eligible) may be eligible to participate at approved locations at no cost through the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P). Please submit the ELO-P application to determine eligibility. Please visit the FUSD ELO-P website for more details.
Fremont Unified Protocols for Students with COVID-19 & Other Illnesses
emont Unified’s COVID-19 protocols and guidance for students with symptoms of illness are unchanged from last school year, and are available at
Enrollment is Open
FUSD is currently enrolling students at
Eligibility for transitional kindergarten is expanding: children who will be 5 years old between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025 can enroll in this free program for 2024-25 to get a head start in school and build their social, communication and independence skills.
Get Involved in FUSD
We are currently recruiting representatives to serve on various committees. Whether you're a parent, alumni, student, teacher, or simply someone who cares about the future of Fremont, you can help support FUSD and our students by serving on a committee. Learn more.