Elementary School Counselors

Who are Elementary School Counselors?

Elementary school counselors are master-degree level professionals, who provide a school counseling program to support students, families & staff. School Counselors develop & implement a program that is comprehensive, developmental, and preventive. The program focuses on services that address the academic, social-emotional, and college/career development of our students.

School Counselor supports to eliminate/reduce barriers that impede on academic learning, specifically through classroom workshops; small group counseling; one on one Individual/crisis support; parent workshops; parent support by providing strategies, and necessary resources to assist the family supporting their child.  

  • The school Counselor CANNOT provide long-term therapy, and typically meet with a student no more than 8 continuous times over a school year. For ongoing concerns, will refer families to outside Mental Health providers and assist with navigating through private insurance.
  • Consultation
  • Referrals to community resources
  • Parent Workshops/Presentations

Who can access the school Counselor?

Any student can access the School Counselor. The Counselor supports all students in different capacities.

Teachers, admin, other staff, & parents can refer students to the Counselor for a little more support.

Students can also request to see the School Counselor.  Parents will be notified of these meetings if... it is a safety concern, an issue where we need your assistance or if a referral for outside services needs to be made.

Meetings are confidential, to allow the student to express their feelings in a safe and comfortable environment.  Students are made aware that confidentiality is not kept when it is around a safety/harm issue (specifically if a student expresses they are hurting themselves or someone else; if someone is hurting them; or if we decide it is important for us to share the information with another adult).

An important part of the counselor and student relationship is trust. Problem solving is a collaborative effort and there will be times we will want to include their parents or teachers in our work.

Parents are always notified for permission, to include student is Small Counseling Groups, which are during the school day for 20-30 minutes, once a week.

What Services does the Elementary School Counselor Provide?

Classroom Lesson Curriculum

  • Classroom counseling lessons focused on character education; academic; social-social learning, and college/career exploration.
  • Group activities

Individual Student Planning

  • Short and long-term goal setting
  • Consult with parents and teachers regarding academic issues
  • School transitions
  • Attendance Improvement Plan

Responsive Services

  • Small group counseling or Individual Crisis Counseling