Stop Sexual Harassment, Bullying, Hate & Suicide

No HarassmentStudent Information about Sexual Harassment

A student who feels that they are being sexually harassed should immediately contact: Principal, AP, Counselor, Psychologist, Nurse or any Teacher/Staff.


Greg Bailey, Director of Student Support Services - (510) 657-2350 -


Online Sexual Harassment Complaint Form

Remember:  if you feel you are the target of sexual harassment it is not your fault.

Sexual Harassment 
Sexual harassment constitutes a violation of the California Education Code, Section 212.6 and 48900.2, as well as Federal law, Section 703 of Title VII. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by someone from or in the educational setting (all students, preschool to adults). The conduct must be considered by a person of the same gender as the victim to be sufficiently severe or pervasive to have a negative impact upon the individual’s academic performance or to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.

The District believes all persons, regardless of their gender, shall be free from discrimination of any kind, including sexual harassment. Any such violation may constitute just cause for disciplinary action against any person committing such an offense. The Board of Education shall not tolerate the sexual harassment of any student by any other student or by any District employee. (Student: BP/AR 5114.10 Employee: BP/AR 4119)


Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by someone from or in the educational setting (all students, preschool to adults). The conduct must be considered by a person of the same gender as the victim to be sufficiently severe or pervasive to have a negative impact upon the individual’s academic performance or to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.

In general, the following conduct is considered sexual harassment:

  • Sexual assault;
  • Physical abuse (unnecessary touching, pinching, or cornering);
  • Verbal abuse (propositions, lewd comments, or sexual insults):
  • Visual abuse (leering [a look showing salaciousness--lecherous, lustful, obscene, pornographic intent]), or display of pornographic material designed to embarrass or intimidate; or
  • Subtle or overt pressure for sexual favors accompanied by an implied or overt threat.

Information to Students
A copy of the District’s written policy in the Parent-Student Handbook on sexual harassment, as it pertains to students, shall be provided as part of any orientation program conducted for new students at the beginning of each quarter, semester, or summer session. Procedures identifying the process for filing a sexual harassment complaint are available at school sites.

It is essential that the principal ensure confidentiality throughout the investigation of allegations of sexual harassment. The actual facts of the complaint and the sensitive nature of specific allegations may require special efforts to maintain confidentiality. The principal shall inform all parties of a sexual harassment investigation, including witnesses, not to discuss the matter with others and to refrain from any contact including personal, electronic, telephone or written contact regarding this issue.

MORE INFO and Athletics - Title IX SB1349 Report - Discrimination on the basis of sex.

Bullying Prevention

The Fremont Unified School District is committed to providing all students with a safe educational environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect and are free from harassment, intimidation or bullying.  Bullying and harassment of students by students, school employees, volunteers and visitors will not be tolerated in the Fremont Unified School District.  The district will not tolerate bullying or any behavior that infringes on the safety or well-being of students, staff, or any other persons within the district's jurisdiction whether directed at an individual or group.  The school district prohibits harassment, bullying, hazing, or any other victimization based on but not limited to any of the following actual or perceived traits or characteristics: age, color, creed, national origin, race, religion, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political party preference, political belief, socioeconomic status, or familial status.

Resources to Help Prevent Bullying including social media bullying

Report Student Bullying Online Form

Board Policy on Student Bullying and AR 5131

Bullying Prevention Training & Resources (

Hate-motivated Behavior

The governing board of the Fremont Unified School District affirms as its policy that all students, staff, and parents/guardians have the right to be free from hate crimes, hazing, degrading and inflammatory statements, or any activity which degrades the qualities of an individual. In accordance with this policy, the school district will not tolerate discrimination in any form, nor will it tolerate behavior by students or staff which harasses, insults, degrades, or stereotypes any person on the basis of race color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, marital status, age, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. Hate violence constitutes a violation of the California Education Code. Sections 200, 202, 48900.3, and 48900.4. Hate crimes may constitute just cause for disciplinary action against pupils committing such an offense.

Board Policy on Degrading and Inflammatory Statements/Behavior and AR 5114.1


Suicide Prevention

Immediate Medical Help: 911
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, call or text 988 or chat

The Governing Board recognizes that suicide is a leading cause of death among youth and that school personnel who regularly interact with students are often in a position to recognize the warning signs of suicide and to offer appropriate referral and/or assistance. In an effort to reduces suicidal behavior and its impact on students and families, the Superintendent or designee shall develop measures and strategies for suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention.

Board Policy on Suicide Prevention and AR 5141.52

Staff Crisis Management Resources (sign in required)