The Daily Mustang, March 20, 2023


PI Digits Contest:  the results are in…..In 3rd place with 124 correctly named digits is Sanchana G.

In 2nd place with 152 correctly named digits is Sravya N. Our champion, with a new Centerville record of 301 correctly named digits is Sri Tulasi D. Well done Mustangs, and thanks to all of them and the many others who participated!


Merit Club:  We will resume egg stuffing on Tuesday in F-106 at lunch.  Our goal is stuff all eggs by Friday.


All students:  The restricted list is the list of students who will not be eligible to participate in all or some of the year end activities.  How do you get on the restricted list?  Any student who is tardy or is assigned lunch and/or after school detention eight or more times, receives more than three RC or discipline referrals to the assistant principal or is suspended in the RC or off campus for partial or full day, during the 4th quarter will be placed on the restricted list.  If you have any questions, Ms Grimmer would be happy to speak with you.



School Play (In the Forests of the Night): Thirteen students are compelled by their dreams to play a game in the woods. Not everyone gets to play it again. Showtimes will be Friday March 24 and March 31, sunset (7:30), in the field behind the gym. Buy tickets outside P105 during lunch .


YEARBOOK: The link has been fixed! You can purchase the yearbook again. You have until April 1st (less than a month!) to order a yearbook. Purchase one now at (school code is 710356). The cost is $35.