The Daily Mustang, March 15, 2023


Reminder:  Thursday is an early release day.  Students will be dismissed at 11:56.  Please make your transportation arrangements in advance.  The office and library will close at 2 PM.  There is no school on Friday the 17th.


All students:  Did you know the 4th quarter starts March 16th?  This means there will be awesome end of the year activities coming up, better weather and the restricted list.  The restricted list is the list of students who will not be eligible to participate in the exciting, upcoming activities.  How do you get on the restricted list?  Any student who is tardy eight or more times, is assigned lunch and/or after school detention eight or more times, receives more than three RC or student discipline referrals to the assistant principal or is suspended in the RC or off campus for partial or full day, during the 4th quarter will be placed on the restricted list.  The restricted list students lose the opportunity to participate in one or more upcoming activities.  The good news is this is progressive and you earn the privilege to attend the next special event if you are on the restricted list by following the three ‘R’s’ (be Respectful, be Responsible and be Ready to learn).  If you have any questions, Ms Grimmer would be happy to speak with you.



Attention 7th graders! There are only a few spots left for the National History Day class for next year! Please see Ms. Denarola or your history teacher for an application. Applications are due ‘Tomorrow’ 


 Merit Club Merit Club meeting today in F-106.  Please come at the start of lunch for yearbook pictures.


Boys Volleyball Tryouts: Tryouts will be held on March 16th from 12:15-2:15 PM.


School Play (In the Forests of the Night): Thirteen students are compelled by their dreams to play a game in the woods. Not everyone gets to play it again. Showtimes will be Friday March 24 and March 31, sunset (7:30), in the field behind the gym. Buy tickets outside P105 during lunch starting Today.


YEARBOOK: The link has been fixed! You can purchase the yearbook again. You have until April 1st (less than a month!) to order a yearbook. Purchase one now at (school code is 710356). The cost is $35