The Daily Mustang, February 13, 2023


Compatibility Matches go on sale tomorrow at lunch in F-106.  You will have to enter through the front door if the fencing blocks the other doorway.  Cost is $2 for the first list, and $1 more if you choose to buy your other list.  This is your chance to see who you are most, and least compatible with.  Get your list to see if you are one of the 128 matches for our most frequently matched student, Arnav P.  Maybe, you will get a teacher on your list…are you Best Friends with Mrs. Grimmer?  


Library Pass System:  Library will be changing to a PASS system for library entry at lunchtime. The portable will have 35 passes available. Upon entry a student will take a pass, then, upon exiting the library, the pass will be available for the next student. 



The 8th grade panoramic picture is coming up on Tuesday, February 14th. If you are interested in purchasing the picture, scan the QR code (before or after school only) that is on the posters that are around campus to order online. You can also visit to place your order. OR pick up an order form in the office or library


Reminder:  Friday, February 17th is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 11:56 PM.  The office and library will close at 2 PM. Please make your transportation arrangements in advance.  Monday is a holiday, no school. 


Bookmark Design Contest:  Design a clever, original and colorful bookmark to win.  Entries due by Feb 28th.



Reminder:  Cell phones should be off from 1st bell 8:10 to last bell 2:35 everyday.  They must be in your backpack, turned “OFF” not on ‘silent’.  Cell phones will be taken away if out or being used.  If you need to use a phone during the day, please go to the office to make the call.

Cell phones may not be used in the library, this includes before and after school.