May 14, 2024

Mustangs- Here is your daily bulletin for:  Tuesday May 14, 2024
Attention 8th graders:  Free Golf Clinic, Wednesday, June 5th…3:00-4:30 or Thursday, June 6th…3:00-4:30.  Location, fields behind WHS gym.  Info/Sign-up contact Coach McMahon, 510-304-6846 call/text
Game Room:  will be closed today at lunch
Attention 6th and 7th graders, we will soon be having our school election for next year’s officers.  If interested, attend a short meeting at 11:50 in F-106.  Applications will be available and the election timeline discussed.  If you want to be an officer, be sure to not be late.
It is officially May which means the Library needs to begin collecting your Library books to begin inventory.  PLEASE HELP BY RETURNING ALL YOUR BOOKS BY MAY 17TH!

Dark Horse Film Festival: Every dark horse has a story to tell. How will you tell yours? The Dark Horse Film Festival celebrates filmmakers with all levels of experience. Films can be stories told through photographs, animation, live action, music videos, documentaries, documentaries… anything goes. Submissions are due by May 15, 2024. To learn more, go to 

Spring is here!  This means there will be awesome end of the year activities coming up, better weather, and the restricted list .  The restricted list is the list of student who will not be eligible to participate in the exciting, upcoming activities.  How do you get on the restricted list?  Any student who is:
  • Tardy eight or more times
  • Assigned lunch and/or after school detention eight or more times
  • Receives more than three RC referrals
  • Receives three student discipline referrals to the assistant principal
  • Any student who is suspended on or off campus for a partial or full day
These students will be placed on the restricted list starting on March 18th through the end of the school year.  The restricted list students lose the opportunity to participate in one or more upcoming activities.  The good news is this is progressive and you can earn the privilege to attend the next special event if you are on the restricted list by following the three R’s (be Respectful, be Responsible and be Ready to learn).  Ms Grimmer or Mr. Bassette can answer any questions you may have.









