The Daily Mustang, October 19, 2022

Mustangs:  next week is a big week for all of us.  Red Ribbon Week will be celebrated.  Merit Club will be selling Red Ribbon week necklaces at the back of room F-106.  About 40% of the necklaces will also win a prize.  Come check out the excitement.  We have made about 500 necklaces, but when we run out, there will not be anymore.  Sale starts on Monday.

Halloween Dance tickets go on sale next Tuesday through Friday.  You MUST have an ID card to buy a ticket.  Bar codes are not the same as an ID card!  Replacement ID's can be purchased in the office for $5.  The dance is on the 31st, but no tickets will be sold the day of the dance.  Costumes are welcome, but they must comply with the school dress code.  Listen to the bulletin to learn more about what is allowed.


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. To show our support, we are hosting a pink-out on Friday, October 21st. The 4th period class that has the most students dressed in pink will win a pizza party. 


Student ID cards:  If you were not at Maze Day or Picture Make-Up Day…Please come to the office and have your picture taken for an ID card.


Centerville International Faire is happening this year.  It is now your turn to participate in a long Centerville tradition.  Sign up using the link found on the website.



Centerville Mustangs- You will now need to scan your ID to receive your lunch. Please have your ID's ready to be scanned to ensure the line runs smoothly. If you do not have your ID, which you should, you can also punch in your student number.


October Kindness Month, kindness club members will be handing out kindness bucks to students who demonstrate kindness to others.  You may spend these at the mustang store on Friday. 


‘Kindness’ Art Competition:  Leadership and WEB are hosting a Kindness Art Competition. We want you to create a digital or physical piece of art that represents what kindness means to you. Submissions are due to Ms. Denarola in F105 by October 26th. Winner will be announced at the end of the month. 


Enter the library's Great Pumpkin contest!  Entry forms are available in the library. Decorate a pumpkin shape into your favorite book character. Turn in by Oct 31 to win prizes.


Intramural Sports:

Thursday, October 20   Chess Club, at lunch in room E-3

                                      Team Handball, 7:30-8:30 in the gym…..payment due, parent must sign you out

Friday, October 21    Badminton, 2:45-3:45 in the gym….payment due