February 6, 2024
February 5, 2024
Mustangs- Here is your daily bulletin for: Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Attention Artists! The Library is hosting a Bookmark Competition. All you have to do is design a clever, imaginative and colorful bookmark that will be displayed and reproduced into bookmarks for our LIbrary. Pick up your Entry Form in the Library. Deadline is Wednesday. February 28th. Good Luck to all participants!
Homework Help: Want help with your homework with our own CMS teachers? Homework Club meets after school from 2:45-3:45 in H-132. No sign up needed to come. These sessions will be most Tuesdays and Thursdays until mid-April. Check the flyer in the front office for exact dates.
Valentine’s Day is almost here! If you’d like to send a candy gram to someone, come see Dr. Romo and Mr. Macias in the quad at lunch. The cost of a candy gram is just $2 ! All you need to know is the first and last name of the person and their 4th period class. Candy grams will be passed out on Wednesday February 14 during 4th period.
Tuesday: The Wellness Center will be closed today during 3rd and 4th periods.
Wednesday: The Wellness Center will be closed today until lunchtime.
Friday: The Wellness Center will be closed today until lunchtime.
Next week: The Wellness Center will be closed Feb 12-23 due to course registration. Game Room will still be open at lunch.
Booket and Gimkit is cancelled this Friday
Comic and Animation Club meets on Thursday in H208 during lunch

Last Updated: February 5, 2024