November 8, 2023

All Students:  Today and tomorrow please sign up for the next week of flextime.
Hello Centerville Mustang Students:  The School Site Council is looking for two representatives.  6th grade and 7th grade students only are eligible.  This is a group that helps develop our school plan and provide input into next year’s plan.  You get to help by giving information on different programs and make Centerville a better place.  There are usually four or five meetings a year after school.  If you are interested you can pick up a form in the front office.   The form is due on Monday November 13.   If we have more than two possible candidates, we will have a vote on November 15 at lunchtime.  See Mr. Lewis if you have any questions. 
This is a reminder that we have a NEW club on campus, it’s called the LatinX Club! The LatinX Club promotes awareness and appreciation of the Latino cultures and aims to support students’ social and academic success.  This club is open to ALL students and meets EVERY WEDNESDAY during lunch in room H221. It starts TODAY Wednesday Nov 8, 2023!   If you have any questions you can talk to Dr. Romo in room A101 or Mr. Macias in H111 in the main office. Gracias Mustangs!
Este es un recordatorio de que tenemos un NUEVO club en la escuela, ¡se llama LatinX Club! El club LatinX promueve la conciencia y el aprecio por las culturas latinas y tiene como objetivo apoyar el éxito social y académico de los estudiantes. Este club está abierto a TODOS los estudiantes y se reúne TODOS LOS MIÉRCOLES durante la hora del almuerzo en el salón H221. ¡La primera junta es HOY miércoles 8 de noviembre! Si tiene alguna pregunta puede hablar con la Dra. Romo en el salon A101 o con el Sr. Macías en H111 en la oficina principal. ¡Gracias Mustangs!
Early Release Day:   Students will be dismissed at 11:56 AM on Thursday, November 9, 2023.  Please make your transportation arrangements in advance.  The office and library will close at 2:00PM.  No school on Friday, November 10th.
Library Closed:  The library will be closed after school today for a staff meeting.
Yearbook Cover Contest: We are inviting all Centerville students to enter their drawings in the Yearbook Cover Contest. The theme is New Constellations. The winning drawings will be displayed on the front and back cover of the yearbook. Those entries not selected will be displayed as Honorable Mentions inside the yearbook. If you’re interested, pick up a flier and drawing template from the office or join our Google Classroom using the code 3fhbvha. Turn in entries at the office.
Yearbook: Yearbooks can now be pre-ordered online for $30! Go to and use the school code 718525 to order. The Early Bird Discount runs until the end of December.