The Daily Mustang, April 4, 2023

Today is the Spring Fling Thing!  If you got a golden ticket, you must report to the track immediately after 4th period ends.  You must have your Golden ticket with you to be admitted to this event.  Students will line up all around the track and wait for the signal to begin the egg hunt.  Have fun, behave respectfully, and if you know someone didn't get any eggs, be KIND and offer to share.  A lot of time went into planning this event, and Merit Club is responsible for making it happen.  Thank you, Merit Club members!!!


Centerville Mustangs, it is your responsibility to be in class, on-time and ready to learn. We will be conducting a tardy sweep, sometime this week. If you are not in class on-time the period we are conducting the sweep, you will be assigned an after school detention for one hour. Remember, you have nothing to worry about, if you are not tardy. 



Homework and Tutoring:  After school Today and Tomorrow in the library for 1 hour.


Assemby today during flextime. All students are to report to the gym.


Early Release:  Thursday students will be dismissed at 11:56 AM.  Please make your transportation arrangements in advance.  The office and library will be closed at 2:00 PM. Spring Break begins on Friday, no school.


YEARBOOK: We have extended the date to purchase a yearbook. You have until Friday (4/7) to buy one at: (school code is 710356). If you have problems with the link, copy the url and paste it into your browser. The cost is $35.


Attention 7th graders! Are you interested in becoming a WEB leader next year? WEB is an orientation program to welcome our new 6th and 7th grade students so that they get off to a great start at Centerville Middle School next year. Ms. Denarola and Mrs. Eddings will be hosting an informational meeting on Wednesday April 5th in room F105. Applications are available in the office, library and in Ms. Denarola and Mrs. Eddings' classroom. Applications are due April 21st. 


Dark Horse Film Festival: We are excited to announce that we are now welcoming submissions for 2023. Check out the Dark Horse Film Festival's website to learn more. Films must be submitted by April 30, 2023 to be considered.


8th Graders Great America tickets are going to be on sale starting Today through April 6, during lunch in F106.  The cost will be $15 if you have a season pass or $52  without a season pass.



All students:  The restricted list is the list of students who will not be eligible to participate in all or some of the year end activities.  How do you get on the restricted list?  Any student who is tardy or is assigned lunch and/or after school detention eight or more times, receives more than three RC or discipline referrals to the assistant principal or is suspended in the RC or off campus for partial or full day, during the 4th quarter will be placed on the restricted list.  If you have any questions, Ms Grimmer would be happy to speak with you.