The Daily Mustang, December 6, 2022

Open Mic: The Open Mic is returning to Centerville! The first performance will be on Thursday at lunch outside P105. There will be two student acts and one performance by two teachers. Don't miss it.


Winter Wonderland dance tickets are available NOW!  The dance is this Friday, so buy your ticket today.  The longer you wait, the longer the line will be. Thursday will likely have a VERY long line, so don't wait until the last minute. You MUST have an ID card to purchase a ticket, and the cost is $8.  Besides having DJ Hightop, there will be a photo booth, where pictures are printed out immediately.  The cost for each strip of photos is $1, so grab a buddy or two, and get in line to take a picture.  There will also be glow necklaces and a snack bar.  Don't miss out on the fun, get your ticket from F-106 at lunch today. Replacement ID's may be purchased at the office.




Canned Food Drive:     is nearing the end.  All classes  have one more week to meet the Merit Club Challenge.  Help your class fill the thermometer and win a prize.  Join the other winners on campus, this includes:  Mrs. Stark's class, the office, and,Ms. Seipert.  Congrats to those groups, and good luck to the rest of you.  Hope your class wins too!  The very last day to donate is Friday, Dec. 16th.



Turkey Trot has been rescheduled for the last time.  It will be run on Tuesday, Dec 20th.  PLEASE consider participating.  There are lots of prizes, and you get to run with some of our celebrity teachers, including Ms Stark, Mr. Yamagata, and perhaps Ms. Glaze.  Sign up at lunch in F-106.



YEARBOOK: You can now order a yearbook at (school code is 710356). With the early bird discount, the cost is $30. After December 31, the price will go up to $35.



Intramural Sports:


12/6    Dodgeball, at lunch in the gym