The Daily Mustang, February 15, 2023


Centerville students, did you know that we have a school newspaper? The Monthly Mustang is the official newspaper of Centerville Junior High School. Visit to read student articles about the superbowl, Valentines Day movies, the science behind sleep, and much more! That's one word, lowercase, and no spaces.


Compatibility Matches can be purchased today through Thursday in F-106 at lunch.  Come see which students you have the most in common with.  Cost is $2 for the first list you buy, but the second one is only $1.  Help support Merit Club and have some fun doing it.  To see what all the excitement is about, check out the bright orange papers in some of the classrooms—your name might even be on those lists.  


International Faire:  To all students participating in the International Faire.  Set up for the Faire is on Wednesday, February 22nd right after school.  Please attend



Game Room:  will be closed this Thursday so students can enjoy the talent show and the student store will be closed this Friday.



Reminder:  Friday, February 17th is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 11:56 PM.  The office and library will close at 2 PM. Please make your transportation arrangements in advance.  Monday is a holiday, no school. 


Bookmark Design Contest:  Design a clever, original and colorful bookmark to win.  Entries due by Feb 28th.