The Daily Mustang, March 9, 2023

Aloha Dance tickets can still be purchased today at lunch in F-106 or after school.  If you are coming to the dance, wear your favorite Hawaiian shirt or dress.  Cost is $5 and you must have your ID to buy a ticket AND to get into the dance.  The dance is tomorrow, in the gym from 3 to 5pm.


Please sign up for the next two weeks of flextime on Friday, March 10th.


Boys Volleyball Tryouts: Tryouts will be held on March 13th from 2:45-4:45 PM and March 16th from 12:15-2:15 PM.

Centerville's Black Student Union will be meeting at lunch on Thursday, March 9, in Mr. Williams' Room P101. 



Yearbook Photo: If you enrolled in Centerville after September 23rd, you missed the photo retake for the yearbook. Come to P105 at lunch on Friday to get your photo retaken.


Yearbook:  You have until April 1st to order a yearbook. Purchase one now at (school code is 710356). The cost is $35.



Pi Day Contest coming next Tuesday.  Come to the library to name as many digits of pi as you can.  Winner gets the grand  prize, but everyone who came name at least 5 digits of pi gets a sweet treat.  And if you want a real treat, be sure to purchase your pi ticket from any math teacher.  Don't miss your chance to enjoy a large slice of delicious chocolate cream, lemon meringue, key lime or apple pie.  Cost is $3.