The Daily Mustang, May 8, 2023


8th grade students interested in playing football at Washington High School next year, sign up to meet the Varsity Football Coach on Thursday, May 11th during Flex Time in B101. You can search for "Football Meeting" in the Flextime App!


Dark Horse Film Festival: dark horse (därk hôrs), n. a person who has unexpected talents or abilities. Every dark horse has a story to tell. How will you tell yours? Dark Horse Film Festival celebrates filmmakers with all levels of experience. Films can be stories told through photographs, animation, live action, music videos, documentaries, documentaries… anything goes. Submissions are due by May 19. To learn more, check out the Dark Horse Film Festival's website: Use code jtz3pon to join the Google Classroom.



All students:  The restricted list is the list of students who will not be eligible to participate in all or some of the year end activities.  How do you get on the restricted list?  Any student who is tardy or is assigned lunch and/or after school detention eight or more times, receives more than three RC or discipline referrals to the assistant principal or is suspended in the RC or off campus for partial or full day, during the 4th quarter will be placed on the restricted list.  If you have any questions, Ms Grimmer would be happy to speak with you.