The Daily Mustang, September 23, 2022

Picture Make-Up Day:  IS TODAY….  Pictures will be taken during your PE class, please check in with your teacher first.  Pictures will be taken on the stage in the Gym.  It is very important that you have your picture taken to receive your ID card with bar code for flextime.…Ordering directions are in the office.


Boys Basketball Information:  Lunch meeting will be on October 4th for those interested.  It will be held in the library.

Tryouts for 8th graders will be held on October 7th from 4 PM until 6PM.   Tryouts for 7th graders will be held on October 14th from 4 PM until 6 PM


Centerville PTSA Dance:  Aloha Mustangs Dance.  Will be held on Friday, September 30th from 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM.  Ticket Sales will be Tuesday, Sept 27th through Thursday, Sept 29th during lunch on the blacktop near portables and after school, near the ‘C’ wing.   Tickets are $5 each or FREE with PTSA membership.  To become a member, please pick up a flyer in the office.


Intramural Sports Participants:  Be sure to check the lists on the gym windows and find your name under the sport you are signed up for. Several sports begin next week.  Be sure to check the gym door for time and place.



Reminder:  Cell phones should be off from 1st bell 8:10 to last bell 2:35 everyday.  They must be in your backpack, turned “OFF” not on ‘silent’.  Cell phones will be taken away if out or being used.  If you need to use a phone during the day, please go to the office to make the call.

Cell phones may not be used in the library, this includes before and after school.


Dress Code  Attention Mustangs- This is a reminder that midriff tops, any clothing item that promotes or advertises for drug use, sagging jeans, pajama pants, and shoes without a heel strap worn will result in a dress code violation. The first offense is a warning and progressive disciplinary action will follow on the second offense (including keeping the clothing item until the end of the school year). If you are not sure if you can wear it to school, then choose something else to wear