Hopkins School Site Council

School Site Council

SSC:  School Site Council  The purpose of SSC is to oversee the school program, including the curriculum and instructional practices.  This group ensures that the needs of all students are a priority.  In addition to assisting in the LCAP, the SSC monitors the SPSA.  This group also oversees the SIP (School Improvement Plan) budget.

SPSA:  Single Plan for Student Achievement This is the plan developed to ensure continuous improvement of our school.  We write the plan for Hopkins.  It is rewritten yearly to reflect the needs of our current students.  It is available on the district website.

Who is SSC ?- SSC is made up of students, parents, and staff.  Student, parent, and staff representatives are elected by their peer/community/colleague groups. Combined, students and parents hold the same number of votes as the number of staff votes. At Hopkins we have 5 students, 4 parents or community members, 4 teachers, one classified staff member, and the principal.  It is important to have members that represent the school community.

SSC meetings take place 3-5 times per school year.   Each meeting a different part of the school program will be presented to the group.  The budget is also a focus of the meetings, to make sure we are spending money on the goals in the SPSA.

2024-2025 Meeting Dates: 

  • Thursday, October 3, 2024
  • Thursday, February 13, 2025
  • Thursday, April 10, 2025
  • Thursday, May 15, 2025

In the beginning of the school year, student, parent/guardian, and staff members on the council will be elected by the group they represent.

2023-2024 Agenda & Meeting Minutes:

Student Members

  • Santhosh A. (8th Grade Student)
  • Jai V. (7th Grade Student)
  • Krishiv J. (6th Grade Student)
  • Sonya D. (Program Rep; 8th Grade)
  • Yashwanth M. (Program Rep; 6th Grade)

Community Members

  • Ramya Chadrasekaran (8th Grade Parent)
  • Sandhya Khurana (8th Grade Parent)
  • Kerri Yoshiyama (7th Grade Parent)
  • Mary Vattavayalil (6th Grade Parent)

Staff Members

  • P. Cornett - Science Teacher
  • J. Hu - English Teacher
  • N. Kuei - Principal
  • S. Loob - System Administrator/Registrar
  • P. Padmanabhan - 6th Grade Math/Science Core Teacher
  • M. Sheaffer - English/ELD Teacher

2022-2023 Agenda & Meeting Minutes: