Dress Code
FUSD would like to thank its students, families and community for its feedback regarding the District’s dress code. The Board believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment and expects students to wear clothing that is suitable for the school activities in which they participate. Students shall not wear clothing that presents a health or safety hazard, or is likely to cause a substantial disruption to the educational program. Each site is to inform parents and/or legal guardians and students in writing of its dress code at the beginning of the school year and whenever the dress code is revised. The dress code for each school is in AR 5132.
Follow these guidelines and help us toward our goal of providing the best educational environment possible.Â
Dress Code from Head to Toe
- Sunglasses, hats, caps, hoods and other non-religious/cultural head coverings shall not be worn indoors.
- Shirts, tops, and dresses must have straps.
- May not wear any gang-related, clothing, jewelry, emblems.
- May not wear chains, spikes on jackets/pants.
- Midriff must be covered.
- Garments covering the lower body must be sufficient to cover the buttocks.
- Additionally, protective attire may be required in specialized settings.
- Shoes must be worn.
Along with the dress code visual posted, the following articles of clothing may not be worn to school:
- Pajamas or flannel pants that resemble pajamas, nightgowns
- Bathrobes or slippers
- Tights worn in place of pants
- Flip flop sandals
If a student violates the dress code policy, he/she will be sent to the office to resolve the dress code issue.
- First infraction - the student is given a warning plus change of clothing/or parent/guardian will be called to bring a change of clothes.
- Students who violate the dress code repeatedly may receive progressive disciplinary consequences.
FLYERÂ (pdf)