Irvington Robotics Academy’s Workshop

Irvington High School’s Robotics Academy is proud to announce their VEX Robotics Program that will last all year round! To start off, these workshops are entirely free of charge and require no prior experience in robotics (although those who do have experience will still benefit!) These workshops will thoroughly explore the world of robotics in hands-on building, programming, and CAD. This program consists of workshops every 3 weeks that are successive and cover new material each time, so be sure to sign up before 8/31 for our first workshop on September 1st (you can still sign up later for the later workshops). Also, please make sure to join the google classroom for important updates. Form:

We believe that this is an incredible opportunity for every single student at Horner if they are interested. We would greatly appreciate it if you could spread the word to all students and parents in your school (whether it be a google classroom post, announcements platform, etc). Mr. Whalley is already doing a great deal of marketing to help us, but we would also appreciate help from you all as well.

Here is a printable flyer .
Irvington Robotics Academy Workshop