English Language Learners Resources

English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC)

The first ELAC (English Learners Advisory Committee) meeting is Thursday September 14th 6:00-7:00 PM on Zoom. ELAC is a committee dedicated to the multilingual learners at Kennedy. Please check Infinite Campus for the Zoom link or contact Ms. Riehart at Sriehart@fusdk12.net. A Spanish translator will be in attendance.

La primera reunión del ELAC (Comité Asesor de Estudiantes de Inglés) es el jueves 14 de septiembre de 6:00 a 7:00 p. m. por Zoom. ELAC es un comité dedicado a los estudiantes multilingües de Kennedy. Consulte Infinite Campus para ver el enlace de Zoom o comuníquese con la Sra. Riehart en Sriehart@fusdk12.net. Estará presente un traductor de español.


Meeting Dates


FUSD Family Resources

ELPAC Information

ELPAC: Starting Smarter

ELPAC Parent Presentation- English

ELPAC Parent Presentation-Spanish

Newcomer Guides to the FUSD

These guides are helpful for students and families who are new to the FUSD and United States.





SHIELD is back by popular demand.

Students Helping Integrate English Learners Daily.

This is an after school gathering where students can:

  • Practice English with their peers
  • Get help with homework or classwork
  • Learn about John F. Kennedy High School and how schools in the United States are different from your schools in other countries
  • Learn about the United States and how it is different from other countries
  • Teach others about different countries

SHIELD meets every Monday after school, and some Wednesdays from 3:20 pm - 4:30pm in Mrs. Waller's room, 406. Contact Mrs. Waller, cwaller@fusdk12.net, for more details.