Student Support

Who should I know?

Administration, Counseling, Office, and Support Staff.
The telephone number for John F. Kennedy High School is 510-657-4070. The numbers given below are their respective extensions. All staff e-mail addresses use the first letter of their first name and the entire last name, in all lower case, followed by


Principal: Ronaldo Fisher - 27030

Assistant Principals:

Seniors: Josh Hunter - 27010

Students with last names A - L: Kim Martin - 27003

Students with last names M - Z: Dave LeCount - 27008



Students with last names A -Er: Tifni O'Neill - 27019

Students with last names Es - Lo: Dave Reska - 27004

Students with last names Lu - Re: Olivia Rodriguez - 27018

Students with last names Ri -Z : Mimi Vo - 27017


Attendance Clerks:

Students with last names A - E: Andrea Oyola - 27022

Students with last names F - L: Sabrina Moscon- 27024

Students with last names M - R:  Julie Mejia - 27020

Students with last names S - Z:  Rubi Lombrana - 27026


Secretary: Angelyn Kiester - 27306

Registrar: Joelle Damewood - 27016

Account Clerk: Amy Jung - 27012

Library: Emery Wasser-Tung/Allison Rodriguez  - 27206

School Psychologist: Matt Ikei -27227

School Psychologist (ED): Laurie Berberian - 27154

School Resource Officer: Tam Phang  - 27019

Activities Director: Tori Mulcahy - 27156

Athletic Director: Paul McDermott - 27104

Work Experience/Service Learning/Yearbook Advisor: Dee Clark - 27114

Career Center/ ROP: Kris Miller - 27204

Cafeteria Manager: Cynthia Uliana - 27213

Nurse: Lidya Alsanady - 27007

Supply Clerk: Ben Thompson - 27354

Social Media
Snapchat: @Titanxsnap