Office & Principals

Main Office (510) 656-7211
Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday – Friday

39600 Logan Dr. Fremont, CA 94538 [Google MAP]
Map WMS 6-12-19.pdf (PDF)

Malise Bullock Registrar Ext. 28162

Tracy Clark School Secretary  Ext. 28152

Alana Sumbler Attendance  Ext. 28101

Staff at Walters

Wellness Center
The Walters Wellness Center is open to students Tuesday to Friday during lunch.

LGBTQ (Transgender and Gender Variant) Support Contacts
Each school site shall designate a school site contact for assisting students regarding rights and issues of transgender and gender variant students. If school administrators or designated school site contacts have questions regarding assisting students under Board Policy 5145.5 and this regulation AR 5145.5, they shall contact the Director of Elementary or Secondary Education, as appropriate.
LGBTQ (Transgender and Gender Variant) Support Contacts