WEB – Where Everybody Belongs

Where Everybody Belongs

WEB, which stands for "Where Everybody Belongs," is is a middle school orientation program that welcomes 6th  graders to Walters and helps them feel comfortable and connected throughout the first year of middle school.

  • WEB 6th Grade Orientation Day:  All incoming 6th graders are invited for a morning of fun activities! Students will have the opportunity to meet staff members, participate in activities led by an 8th Grade WEB leader and get a tour of our school campus. For more information regarding dates for this year, please visit our website.

  • First Day of School: On the first day of school, 8th Grade WEB leaders are available in the morning around campus to answer questions and direct any students who need to find their way around the school campus. Just look for the WEB leaders wearing their WEB shirt!

  • New Student Tours: Throughout the school year, when new students arrive at Walters, WEB leaders are available to give school tours and help them get connected.

  • Fall/Winter event: Each year, the WEB leaders host a fun social event for 6th graders. More information and permission slips are sent out in the weeks before the event.