Brookvale Parent Teacher Conference Week

Brookvale School Parent Teacher Conferences are taking place this week, Monday 11/13 – Friday 11/17/23.  Please contact your child’s teacher for questions or date reminders.

Early Dismissal Days this week:  Tuesday 11/14 – Friday 11/17/23 

Kindergarten:   8:20 a.m. – 11:46 a.m.
Grades 1 – 5: 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Please plan to pick your child up on time in front of the school office/flag pole area.  If you have arranged for an after school pick up service, please be sure to remind them that this is an early dismissal week.   


Dorian Picture Make-Up Day is Tuesday, November 14th 

Picture make-up day is for students who missed the original picture day on September 29th and for those students who paid for a picture package but want to trade it in for a re-take.

  • On picture day, please send your child to school with the packet they will be returning and let them know to tell their teacher they need a re-take.
  • Parents may pre-order/pay online in advance. Visit com/orderto choose your background and learn more.


Reporting Your Student’s  Absence

As we approach the winter season it is important to remember that daily attendance remains important. Please do not schedule trips outside of the window of days off (November 18 – November 26 and December 23 – January 7). Even a few missed days can lead to confusion when returning to class as well as lost social time with friends. 

Please also note, Public Health guidelines call for students to stay home from school only when they have a fever, diarrhea, or are vomiting. For guidance as to when to keep your child home, please see Health Guidance for Going to School.

 Contact the school office to report your child absent by following the prompts and leaving a message.  Please speak clearly and leave your child’s FIRST and LAST NAME, TEACHER’S NAME, GRADE and REASON FOR THE ABSENCE: Ill, out of town, etc. Please identify yourself as the parent/guardian and state your name. You may also email your child’s absence information directly to Jennifer Mehta at



There will be NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break, Monday 11/20 – Friday 11/24/23.  We wish your family a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

School will resume on Monday 11/27.

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