Please view the 2023-2024 INSTRUCTIONAL CALENDAR to see when school is not in session for holidays and breaks.  EVERY WEDNESDAY is an early dismissal day for students in Kindergarten (8:20 – 11:46 a.m.) and 1st  – 5th grade (8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.)


4   International WALK & ROLL TO SCHOOL DAY: Schools worldwide will celebrate by walking, bicycling, skating, scooting and using other non-motorized modes of transportation

6   Brookvale PTA’s FALL CARNIVAL—5 PM to 8 PM on campus. Wristbands for unlimited games $20 or buy 10 tickets for $5.  Event proceeds benefit Brookvale PTA activities.  Please join us for a night full of fun, family and community!  Questions? Email

13 NO SCHOOL: The School Office will be Closed for Staff Development Day

19 Great Shake Out Drill @ 10:19 a.m.  Please do not attempt to check your student out during this time.  The office will be closed from 10:15 until approximately 10:45 a.m.

24 SSC/ELAC Meeting @ 3:15 – 4:15 p.m. in Room 202

27 Brookvale PTA Trunk or Treat Event from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the Brookvale Parking Lot

31 Brookvale’s Halloween Costume Walk begins at 9:00 a.m.  Parents may view it from the front of the school.  


10 NO SCHOOL in observance of Veteran’s Day

14-17   Parent Teacher Conferences.  Early dismissal for Grades 1-6: 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Early dismissal for Kindergarten:  8:20 a.m. – 11:46 a.m.

20-24   NO SCHOOL—Thanksgiving Holiday



Volunteers invited by their child’s teacher to sign up to volunteer in their child’s classroom must register via CiviCore.  For parents who registered last year, please be sure to go back into your application and update your children’s teachers for 2023-2024.  Annual updates are required.

To access CIVICORE, start by going to the Brookvale website:

Click on the top of the page where it says “Site Menu” then on

Students & Community < Community Communications and scroll down to Volunteer Opportunities—CiviCore:

BROOKVALE SSC/ELAC Next Meeting is 10/24/2023

The purpose of the School Site Council (SSC) and ELAC is to oversee the school programs that include the curriculum and best instructional practices. SSC is made up of the principal, parents and teachers, and ensures that the needs of every Brookvale student are met. The SSC monitors the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Plan (see below). This group also oversees the spending of certain funds provided through LCAP (see below).  SSC is made up of an equal number of parents and staff. Parents are elected by parents, and staff are elected by the staff. These members represent the entire school community.

LCAP: Local Control Accountability Plan

  • This is the plan developed to ensure continuous improvement of our school. We write the plan for Brookvale and ensure that it is aligned with the district’s visions and goals. It is rewritten yearly to reflect the needs of our current students. It is available on the district website.

SPSA: Single Plan for Student Achievement:

  • This plan is developed to make sure there is ongoing improvement of our school. The plan is written specifically for Brookvale on an annual basis to reflect the needs of all of our current students. It is available on the district website.

SSC meetings take place 5 times per school year. An agenda for each meeting will be posted on the website and outside the office at least 72 hours before the meeting date. All meetings are open to the public.   Brookvale Elementary School Site Council/English Language Advisory Committee has two vacancies this school year.  We are fortunate to have three Brookvale parents seeking a seat on the Brookvale SSC/ELAC.  Below is the link to the ballot for the election.  It is very important to have the school community involved in the election process.  The top two candidates will be elected for this year’s Council.  Ballots are due on Friday, October 6 by 4:00 pm.  Winning candidates will be notified not later than October 10th.  Thank you for your participation in this election.


 2023-2024 Brookvale School Site Council Parent/Community Member Ballot


STUDENT ATTENDANCE POLICY:  Please Report Your Child’s Absence Directly to the School Office

It is a myth that only unexcused absences are causes for concern. Health-related absences may be marked as excused, yet time away from the classroom is a lost opportunity to learn and make connections. There are steps families and schools can take to try to limit health-related absences. FUSD worked with a number of national health organizations on guidance that clearly communicates that students can attend with minor illnesses, and discusses when kids should stay home and seek advice from a health provider. For guidance as to when to keep your child home, please see Health Guidance for Going to School.

 *Reporting Your Student Absence:

We understand students do get sick.  If your child will be absent from school, you must report the absence by one of the following ways:

  • Call the Attendance line: 510-797-5940 Option 7. Please speak clearly and state your child’s FIRST and LAST NAME and your relationship to the child, teacher’s name, grade and reason for the absence: Ill, out of town, etc.  OR
  • Email the Attendance Clerk:  Jennifer Mehta at and Lena Anderson at

To read the full FUSD Attendance Policy please refer to page 11 of the Parent Student Handbook which can be found on the FUSD Website or by clicking on the link below.

*Signing Students Out of School Early:  If you need to sign your child out of school for a doctor appointment early, please be prepared to show valid ID to confirm your identity as either the parent/guardian or approved emergency contact, arriving early and noting recess/lunch time schedules.  Emailing the teacher as a courtesy is helpful.

When possible, all questions, concerns, or inquiries should be conducted via email or phone. 

  • Please email Lena Anderson ( for general school business
  • Please email Jennifer Mehta (  for attendance-related business
  • Brookvale School Office: (510) 797-5940


 Brookvale Elementary 2023-2024 Bell Schedule:

Please view the 2023-2024 INSTRUCTIONAL CALENDAR to see when school is not in session for holidays and breaks. 

HALLOWEEN COSTUME WALK:  Tuesday, 10/31/2023

Brookvale’s Halloween Costume Walk will take place on Tuesday, October 31st at 9:00 a.m. by the flagpole.  Students will begin arriving at 8:50 a.m. after teachers have taken attendance.  Be sure that your child arrives at school on time so as not to miss the event.  Parents are invited to view the event from the parking lot area sectioned off for spectators. Parents must remain in the designated area during the entire event and leave upon completion of the costume walk.  They may not follow students back to their classroom to take photos.

There will be a coned off “runway” similar to a fashion show runway in front of the school, by the parking lot. We’ll have a coned off area for our classes to sit as each grade level takes turns parading down the middle of the cone area (similar to a red carpet runway) enabling students to show off their costumes for their school mates.

Costume Rules: Costumes are optional. Students who wish to wear a costume should wear attire that does not restrict movement or interfere with their ability to learn.  NO weapons/props or offensive costumes are allowed.  NO costume masks that cover the head or face; only masks adhering to the mask mandate are allowed.

Students should come to school already dressed in their costumes.  Students will not be allowed to go to the office to have their costumes put on or their hair done, etc. Costumes must meet school dress code requirements or students must wear clothing underneath their costume that meets school requirements.  The costume should be comfortable enough for students to wear all day. 

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