May 2024 Updates!


May 2024 Updates!


5th Grade Farewell Ceremony

Parents are invited to the 5th grade Red Carpet Farewell Ceremony!  

When:  Friday, May 31, 2024

Time:  9:00 am SHARP!

The ceremony will be held in front of the school.  This event will be standing room only.  Parents can watch from the parking lot while students walk the red carpet.  The ceremony will begin promptly at 9:00 AM and will conclude by 10:00 AM.

After the ceremony, parents may sign their students out early for the day.  For students who will NOT be leaving school early, they will return to their class and be dismissed at 1:30 PM.

*Please be sure your child is ON TIME (by 8:25 AM) as the ceremony begins promptly at 9:00 AM.  Students will not have access to changing rooms and must arrive dressed and ready to walk.


Early Release Day!  Friday, May 31st!

Our last day of school is Friday, May 31, 2024.  This is an early release day for all students:

TK:  11:40 AM

Kindergarten:  11:46 AM

Grades 1 – 6:  1:30 PM

Thank you for being on time to pick up your child!


Medication Pick-Up

As we near the end of the school year, please plan a time to come by the school office to pick up your child’s medication.  We are available from 8:00am – 3:30pm Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri and from 8:00 am – 3:00 on Wednesdays.

Any medication not picked up by Friday, May 31st will be discarded.

ClassLink Student Password Reset Tool

You should have received a message from the Fremont Unified School District regarding the introduction of a new Self-Service Password Reset Tool through the ClassLink platform. This will allow students to manage their own account passwords securely and efficiently.

Please read through the instructions thoroughly and complete steps to reset and enable recovery of the password for your student’s user account.

Students will need to use this password to login to their accounts at school, so please be sure they are able to login in independently and can remember their password.

Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC Testing)

Grades 3-6 students will be participating in SBAC Testing this month. Parents & Guardians, please make sure your students are well-rested, eat a nutritious breakfast, and arrive at school before the line-up bell.

Testing Dates:

3rd Grade:  May 6 – May 15 

4th Grade:  April 22 – May 3 

5th Grade:  April 22 – May 3 

Test schedules are subject to change.  Test Taking Tips.

Aeries Parent Portal & 2024-25 MAZE Process

Fremont Unified will transition from Infinite Campus to Aeries as our student information system for the 2024-25 school year. In July 2024, parents and guardians of students enrolled for 2024-25 will receive information to activate their Aeries Parent Portal, and will use the Portal to complete the annual MAZE process, called “Parent Data Confirmation” in Aeries. 

MAZE is Fremont Unified School District’s annual data confirmation process in which parents/guardians: 

  • provide required information for each enrolled student – such as emergency contacts,

  • acknowledge certain parent/guardian and student rights and responsibilities, and 

  • access specific school forms/information. 

Completing the MAZE process ensures your student’s school has accurate information, and allows families to view student schedules/classroom assignments and their teachers when that information is released in August.

Please look out for additional information about activating your Aeries Parent Portal and completing the MAZE process in the coming months. 


Volunteers Needed!

Brookvale will have three vacancies in the upcoming school year on the School Site Council and English Learner Advisory Committee.  Please consider nominating yourself for this position.  The SSC/ELAC monitors the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Plan. This group also oversees the spending of certain funds provided through LCAP.  Contact Mrs. Elliott to let her know you want to be part of the School Site Council/ELAC team for the 2024-2025 School Year.

2024-25 Enrollment Information

Information on transitional kindergarten (TK), kindergarten, sibling priority and other new student enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is now available at

Eligibility for transitional kindergarten is expanding: Children who will be 5 years old between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025 can enroll in this free program for 2024-25 to get a head start in school and build their social, communication and independence skills.

If your student is currently attending an FUSD school in grades TK-11, there is no need to re-enroll.

FUSD Preschool Enrichment Program

  • Tuition based program 

  • 2, 3, or 5 day per week programs, 8:30-11:50 a.m.

  • Centrally located at the Alvirda Hyman Learning Center

  • Children must be toilet trained

  • 1:8 adult to student ratio

For more information go to the following link:

Attendance Counts!

This is the time of year when winter weather takes a toll on school attendance. Road conditions and rain can make it hard to get your children to school. So can illnesses such as colds, flu, fevers, earaches, and COVID-19.

These absences, even if they are excused, break the routine of daily attendance which can impact students feeling connected and engaged in learning. Please consider these steps to keep your children healthy and in school this winter.

1.   Develop back up plans for getting your children to school. Check who can give your children a ride if you can’t take them, or form a “walking school bus” to walk to school with other families.  

2. If your children get sick or you are concerned about Covid or the flu, talk to your child’s medical provider or the school nurse for advice.

3.  Stomach pain and headaches can be signs of anxiety and may not be reasons for keeping a child home. If you feel that anxiety or stress is playing a role, talk to your child’s teacher, the school nurse, counselor or your medical provider about how best to support your child.

4. Encourage children to wash their hands before and after eating and after using the restroom.

5.   Encourage healthy habits such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, drinking fluids and getting exercise. 

Let us know how we can help you. If you’re having trouble, need resources or advice, please call us at 510-797-5940 and ask to speak with Jennifer Mehta or Roxanna Ramirez-Mitchell.

Thank you for partnering with us!

ELPAC Testing!

ELPAC assessments for MLL students window opens February 2nd – May 24th.  More information can be found here FUSD Parent-Student Handbook

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