Welcome Brookvale Families! August 2023 News Updates

Welcome Brookvale Families,

We are excited to start the new school year seeing familiar and new faces on the first day of school, Wednesday, August 16. 2023.  By now, every family should have completed the Online MAZE Day Forms Process and updated their children’s emergency contact information.  If you have not yet done so, please click here: Infinite Campus (IC) Parent Portal. The window to complete the MAZE process for the 2023-24 school year is July 17 to August 7, 2023. Once you have competed the Online MAZE Process, you will be able to log back into your IC Parent Portal and view your child’s teacher and schedule when schedules go live on the 11th.


Our new District and school websites are live now at fremontunified.org!  Office staff are undergoing training as site editors and the FUSD Webmaster is continually adding to and updating the FUSD and school websites. We ask for your patience as we continue to make improvements. If you have any questions not addressed on the websites, please reach out to your child’s teacher after school begins , or contact our office staff:


 Brookvale Elementary 2023-2024 Bell Schedule: https://fremontunified.org/brookvale/



The 2023-2024 School Year begins on Wednesday, August 16, 2023.  All students are expected to report to school on the first day unless they are ill.  Students who have not attended the first day of school may be transferred to another school effective the second day of school if classrooms at the school of original enrollment are filled.   Parents must call in their child’s absence and notify the school that their child is ill in order to save their seat.  Seats will not be held for students on extended vacations or other optional activities, whether or not the school is notified.


Please view the 2023-2024 INSTRUCTIONAL CALENDAR to ensure your child is present on the first day of school beginning August 16, 2023 and schedule family vacations when school is not in session.  The website calendar is a work in progress and we will be updating it soon for Brookvale School events. 


7   MAZE Window closes

8   School Office Opens to the Public

Office Hours:   M, T, Th, F: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.; W: 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.  The office will close for lunch daily from 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. through 8/15/23.

11 Teacher/Class Schedules go LIVE—parents who completed the Online MAZE Process updates may access the schedule by logging back into their IC Parent Portal


To view the Brookvale 2023-2024 Bell Schedule, please visit our website and click on the Bell Schedule:  https://fremontunified.org/brookvale/

16-18   EARLY DISMISSAL DAYS for Kinder (8:20 a.m. – 11:46 a.m. schedule continues through 9/8/23) and 1st – 5th grade (8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.)

17 PARENT MEET & GREET with Mrs. Elliott @ 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. in the MUR

29 BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT (Parents Only Evening) 5:00 – 5:30 p.m. Meet and Greet with Principal Malinda Elliott; 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. classroom presentations. 
Teachers will send more information home prior to this event.  There will be no daycare provided for students and students are not allowed to play unsupervised on the playground. Thank you!



4   NO SCHOOL in observance of the Labor Day Holiday

11 Kindergarten Extended Day Schedule begins TODAY: 8:20 a.m. – 1:40 p.m.


As in past school years, the Brookvale Parking lot will not be available for dropping off and picking up students.  Parents are instructed to use the Los Cerritos Parking lot next to our school or park on the street as legally indicated. Parents/Caregivers will be allowed to accompany their child/children to the classroom doors on Wednesday (8/16), Thursday (8/17), and Friday (8/18) only. Parents will not be allowed to enter the classroom and must clear the campus by 8:30 a.m.

Beginning on Monday 8/21 only staff members and students will be allowed in areas behind the orange cones or yellow line for campus safety.  Parents/Caregivers must stay in front of the Brookvale school office while their child/children walk to their designated location to meet their teacher.

The same locations used for student arrival will be used for student dismissal.  Parents/guardians are encouraged to pick up their child in the same place they were dropped off to avoid confusion. Families that elect to walk their children home may meet their child at the front of the Brookvale school office or near the flagpole. 


BROOKVALE SSC/ELAC 2023-24 OPENINGS—We need 3 Volunteers

The purpose of the School Site Council (SSC) and ELAC is to oversee the school programs that include the curriculum and best instructional practices. SSC is made up of the principal, parents and teachers, and ensures that the needs of every Brookvale student are met. The SSC monitors the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Plan (see below). This group also oversees the spending of certain funds provided through LCAP (see below).

SSC is made up of an equal number of parents and staff. Parents are elected by parents, and staff are elected by the staff. These members represent the entire school community.

LCAP: Local Control Accountability Plan: 

  • This is the plan developed to ensure continuous improvement of our school. We write the plan for Brookvale and ensure that it is aligned with the district’s visions and goals. It is rewritten yearly to reflect the needs of our current students. It is available on the district website.

SPSA: Single Plan for Student Achievement:

  • This plan is developed to make sure there is ongoing improvement of our school. The plan is written specifically for Brookvale on an annual basis to reflect the needs of all of our current students. It is available on the district website.

SSC meetings take place 5 times per school year. An agenda for each meeting will be posted on the website and outside the office at least 72 hours before the meeting date. All meetings are open to the public. Contact Mrs. Elliott via melliott@fusdk12.net to let her know you want to be part of the SSC TEAM for the 2023-2024 School Year.



The following information will ensure your child has a wonderful first day of school leading into an even more fun-filled and productive school year!

  • We are excited to start the new school year and eager to greet our new and returning families and students on the first day of school, Wednesday, August 16, 2023
  • If you have not yet done so, be sure to access your IC Parent Portal to complete the Online MAZE Registration Process so that you may see your child’s teacher when schedules are released online via your portal on August 11th
  • Read all teacher and school/district communications for important updates
  • Ensure your child arrives to school on time daily, and is picked up promptly at dismissal time. If your child will be absent from school, please be sure to call/email our office so we may excuse the absence and confirm your child is safe
  • Plan family vacation time when school is not in session so as not to miss instructional time
  • Update our office staff with any changes to your contact information (very important in the case of a student illness or emergency).  Email is best
  • Be prepared to show valid ID if arriving to check your child out early from school
  • If sending someone else to check your child out of school early, email the office if that person is not listed in IC as an emergency contact.  ID must be presented and they must be 18 years or older
  • Do NOT send your child to school with medication (Over the Counter or otherwise).  Contact the school nurse or office staff for the proper forms which must be completed should your child need any medication while at school
  • Know that we are here to support your child in every way possible to ensure continued social and academic growth and do reach out with any concerns you may have to the appropriate school site personnel

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!

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