California Community Schools Partnership Program

Community SchoolAs a recipient of a two-year Planning Grant from the California Department of Education, Cabrillo has been identified as a “Community School” and is in its second year of this grant from the California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP).

Embracing this Community School model for this school year and the coming years, we will embark on a remarkable journey to plan for and explore additional opportunities to expand academics, social-emotional learning, health services, and community partnerships to benefit our entire Cabrillo school community.


This will be a busy school year with many fun and exciting events and activities focused on four programmatic features, the 4 Pillars of Community Schools, to promote student success at Cabrillo as a Community School!

4 Pillars of Community Schools

  • 1st Pillar: Integrated Student Supports: A “whole child” approach to support our Cabrillo students, including their academic, social, and emotional development.
  • 2nd Pillar: Expanded and Enriched Learning Time and Opportunities: Provide additional before and after school-based activities that are fun, interesting, and exciting for our Cabrillo students and families, including social and academic, such as adult education classes or sports activities.
  • 3rd Pillar: Active Family and Community Engagement: Strive to build trust, respect, and create relationships with all stakeholders, working collaboratively towards common goals with our Cabrillo students, teachers, administrators, parents, community partners, and FUSD leadership.
  • 4th Pillar: Collaborative Leadership Practices: Develop a shared vision and goals by creating participatory practices and distributing responsibilities to leaders representing all our stakeholders, including students, families, community partners, school leaders, and educators.


Community schools are known for “strong and intentional community partnerships ensuring pupil learning and whole child and family development.” The following practices have been adopted and will be implemented fully during the 2023-2024 school year at Cabrillo as a Community School.

  • Community Asset Mapping and Gap Analysis: Identifying gaps and assets of resources throughout the community. This process will engage ALL stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, leaders, and community members, to identify assets and gaps in programs, services, and resources that benefit or inhibit student success and cohesiveness within the community.
  • The Community School Coordinator: We are pleased to announce that we have hired Kelly Mokashi, a veteran educator, as Cabrillo’s Community School Coordinator. In this new role, Kelly is solely responsible for communicating and building partnerships to support the social well-being of our students, serving as a liaison between the school and community partners, and transforming the school into a full-service community school.
  • Site-Based and LEA-Based Advisory Councils: To promote authentic, shared, and participatory leadership practices, Cabrillo has established a Steering Committee and plans to establish advisory councils as needed to serve as a way to implement the California community schools model. The threshold practice will engage interest holders, including students, staff, families, and community members, in determining the focus and direction of the community school effort.
  • Integrating and Aligning with Other Relevant Programs:  Expanding restorative practices and racially just schools, multi-tiered systems of support, statewide systems of support, mental health services for students and families, and expanded learning time, are all initiatives that need to be aligned to and integrated with the community schools movement.


Collectively at Cabrillo, we are focused on the following short-term priorities and initiatives in the upcoming weeks and months as a Community School:

#1. Increase Awareness:   It will be essential to increase awareness with our students, parents, teachers, and community partners on what it means for Cabrillo Elementary to be Community School Year 2 Planning Grant recipient and how it will benefit our community.

#2. Outreach & Recruitment:   Cabrillo will continue to rely on many existing and new programs, committees, organizations, and services to serve our students. To this end, there will be a concerted effort to seek out interest from you and others within the community to volunteer and seek interest to participate in our actions, such as attending a focus group meeting, serving on a committee, or volunteering to help at an after-school program.

#3: Needs & Assets Analyses and Data Collection: There will be a comprehensive effort to collect information and data from our stakeholders through Community Asset Mapping and Gap Analysis, which may involve interviews, surveys, focus groups, on-site meetings, and other ways to identify goals, and priorities from our collective school community to determine what is best for Cabrillo.

#4: Preparation to Secure the Implementation Grant for Cabrillo:   A significant time commitment will be made to secure additional grant funding for Cabrillo through various funding sources, and initially with a 5-Year Implementation Grant from the California Department of Education. Kelly Mokashi, as the Community School Coordinator, will take the lead on this initiative.


The following Cabrillo Abstract and Budget for more information on status of current Planning Grant.


The following Implementation Plan and Budget were submitted to the CDE for the Cohort 3 Implementation Grant Application- we will know in May 2024 if Cabrillo Elementary will be a recipient!


Please see the recent presentation shared in partnership with Fremont Rotary: HERE


Please watch this video HERE to meet Kelly Mokashi virtually!


In the upcoming weeks and months, we will expand upon Cabrillo’s Steering Committee to provide additional oversight, stakeholder representation, and facilitation of parent, teacher, student, and community engagement to explore processes to expand and enhance the integration of educational services for Cabrillo. We will also be recruiting interest for support, volunteering, and other support from our community as we develop additional school year plans as a Community School!

Steering Committee Meeting Slide Decks

Please see this Slide Deck below for details for the Steering Committee Meetings:

August 29th, 2023 Steering Committee Kick Off Meeting.  Click HERE

September 11th, 2023 Steering Committee Meeting:  Click HERE

September 26th, 2023 Steering Committee Meeting:  Click HERE

Additional Steering Committee Dates:

  • October 16, 2023
  • November 6, 2023
  • November 27, 2023
  • January 8, 2023

Next Steering Committee Meeting: February 26, 2024

Want to help? Interested? Contact Kelly Mokashi, Community School Coordinator for more information!

To learn more about the California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP) please visit.


Kelly Mokashi
Community School Coordinator, Cabrillo Elementary
Phone: 510-792-3232, ext. 62120
Cell: 908-812-8919