Principal Thornley’s Final Message of the Year

Final Message of the Year

Good Morning and Happy Sunday Cabrillo Families,

End of the Year
We have reached the end of our school year which is falling on a Monday, the first time Monday was the last day of school in my 36 year career. I just want to send a final message of thanks to our Cabrillo Community. Mr. C put together a wonderful Field Day for our students in Kindergarten through 6th grade. That in and of itself is special. But what made this event truly wonderful were the parent volunteers. We had over 40 parent volunteers running the games and that indicates to me how clearly our families have missed being on the school campus. I look forward to a revised policy by the Board of Education which will once again open up our school to families. Our new PTA President was one of the volunteers and noticed as well. I think we will have a very successful PTA next year with a lot of parent participation.

Lost and Found
Our PTA Secretary Mrs. Ward came up with a tremendous Lost and Found idea which has been very successful. Clothing left behind by students has been hanging on the hooks outside Rooms 11 and 12 for easy pick up. We will continue this practice next year.

6th Grade Promotion
Our 6th grade teachers will be holding a promotion ceremony that begins at 10:00 am in the Cove. Family members attending must have a ticket. Students have been provided with only two tickets to mitigate against a potential spread of Covid. We look forward to a wonderful event.

I have been a very fortunate principal and have worked with many gifted educators at Cabrillo. Two of our outstanding teachers will be leaving Fremont Unified at the end of the school year. Ms. Bautista and Mrs. Kerr greeted me graciously when I joined Cabrillo six years ago as principal. I celebrate these two lions of education and the future that is ahead of them. Please take time on Monday to thank them for their service. They will always be Wildcats and forever in our hearts. Thank you Elizabeth and Kerry for your tremendous service to the Cabrillo Community.

David Thornley
Principal, Cabrillo Elementary