Welcome to Chadbourne

About Chadbourne

Built on part of the Chadbourne family apricot orchard, the school was dedicated on September 22, 1960. It is one of 28 elementary schools in the city belonging to the Fremont Unified School District. Chadbourne is part of the Mission San Jose Attendance area - its students attend Hopkins Junior High School after graduation and move on to Mission San Jose High School for high school. Chadbourne Elementary is a school committed to continuing examination of its core mission, to provide a rigorous standards-based academic program that is balanced by a variety of interventions, as well as enrichment activities and programs, which stretch the unique potential of each child.  Our motto, “excellence in education through excellence in teaching” remains the most important in our continuing tradition of providing excellence and equity for all students through differentiated instruction and continued enhancement of teaching and learning strategies.

Chadbourne is a K-6 school with an enrollment of 803.  Our student demographics consists of 84% Asian, 9% White, 1.5% Hispanic, .5% African American, and 5% are multiple or undeclared.  17% of our students are identified English Learners, and 22% are identified Gifted and Talented.  There are two Special Day Classes (SDC) providing instruction to grades four through six serving mild/moderate special education students.

On the 2012 STAR CST 94.2% of our students scored Proficient or Advanced in English Language Arts (reading and writing), 95.2% scored Proficient or Advanced in Math, and 99% of our fifth graders scored Proficient or Advanced in Science.

Our close partnership with our parents and community enhances the quality of teaching and learning experiences for both students and staff.  Dedicated parents and our parent group, the Chadbourne Family and Faculty Association (CFFA) are our greatest supporters.  Through a voluntary Pioneer Pledge, we are able to provide music and visual arts instruction from qualified professionals for all our students. The Pioneer Pledge also provides funds for technology upgrades in classrooms and the campus as a whole. Students learn music and art appreciation through a parent taught and designed Fine Arts Mini Experience (FAME).  Our classroom teachers also integrate performance and visual arts with language arts, mathematics, science and social science.  We have an active Technology Committee made up mostly of parents who share their expertise in technology by giving us technical support and help in maintaining our network connectivity. In addition, Dr. Joyce Blueford, founder of Math and Science Nucleus and the individual who spearheaded the Mission Creek Restoration Project, is our expert partner due to our proximity to the Mission Creek that flows through our property. Our classes enjoy learning life, earth and physical science right in our own backyard.

Chadbourne again earned the California Distinguished School recognition in 2013.