Eagles Express Newsletter: July – Getting ready for the new school year

V1.1, July 2024
We are getting ready for the 2024-25 school year at Durham!
There will be many new faces on campus so please be sure to say hello to new students, families, and staff and always offer a lending hand as these new-to-Durham individuals learn their way around, me being one of them!

I am excited to start the year as your new principal.  My utmost responsibility is to the safety and well-being of all students, staff, and family that are part of the Durham community.   Let's work together to ensure that we create and maintain a caring and supportive community.
In service,
Mrs. Shimomura, Principal

Helpful Information For the Upcoming School Year
Come Join Me!

You are invited to this pre-school year event on August 1, 2024.  Come mingle and chat with the new Durham principal, Mrs. Shimomura, PTA leadership, other Durham families, and staff.  Let's enjoy the weather, a popsicle and each other!  For more information and details, please click here.


New Bell Schedule for 2024-25!
  Take Note!

Durham is a wonderful school and community and  we are fortunate to be welcoming new students every year.  For the 2024-25 school year, our Bell Schedule will be slightly different, especially for our TK and K students as we welcome a TK PM class.  For grades 1-5, our early dismissal Wednesdays will dismiss students at 1:45pm.  Please be sure to download the Durham 2024-25 Bell Schedule and the 2024-25 Durham Instructional Calendar so you will have all of the early dismissal and no-school dates.

New Drop Off/Pick Up Routes & Procedures

This year we are hoping to increase the safety of our Drop Off and Pick Up Routes and Procedures.  We cannot accept any traffic situation that could lead to an injury or worse. Please click here to download a copy of our new Drop Off/Pick Up Map Routes.  We are asking EVERYONE to drive safely, follow the routes, and obey traffic signs and procedures so that we can keep everyone safe.  Leave your home a few minutes earlier, don't rush or speed if you are running late, and most importantly be patient with others.

School Supply Lists
Check out the Durham School Supplies List for 2024-25!  These lists note the supplies that classroom teachers would like students to bring to school as donations. If students
are unable to donate these items, these supplies will be provided to them. We will accept any additional donations to assist
other students who are unable to purchase these supplies.  To download the Durham School Supply List, click here.  To make a monetary donation to help other students with these items please click here, select "General School Donation" and add the comment "School Supplies". Your contributions are deeply appreciated!
EAGLES Expectaions Posters
Look around campus and you start to see our new EAGLES Expectations Posters popping up.
Get to know the EAGLES Expectations along with your student so you can help them learn to independently manage their behaviors and to make respectful and appreciated choices.
School Contact Information
Office Hours: M-F, 8:00am - 4:00pm
Address: 40292 Leslie Street, Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: (510) 657-7080

Website: https://fremontunified.org/durham/
Principal: Jamie Shimomura
Email: jshimomura@fudk12.net

Stay Up-to-Date with Durham!
Bookmark the Durham Website and subscribe to the Durham School Calendar to stay in the loop with current newsletters, events, meetings, and more!  For help with navigating the Durham Website, click here.
Get Involved!
Elementary childhood is a time of exploration and excitement.  You can make a positive impact on your child's future by being involved!  Whether you volunteer on a regular basis, can only help from home, or you are only available for one hour during the year, your time in supporting the school sets an example of citizenship and goodwill for your child. You are showing that part of being a good citizen is to give back by helping out when you can.

Durham has many opportunities for families to get involved:

School Committees:
School Site Council (SST): This committee advises and approves the school's expenditures and helps to make informed decisions for school improvements.  Meetings are monthly on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 3:20-4:20 pm.  We need 2 more parents for the 2024-25 year.  

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC): This committee advises school staff on programs and support for multi-lingual learners. The Durham ELAC committee sends one representative to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).  Site ELAC meetings are held once a trimester. Meetings are monthly on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 3:20-4:20 pm in conjunction with SSC.  We are looking for at least 2 parents of multilingual learner students to join our ELAC for the 2024-25 year.

Safety Committee: This committee reviews, identifies, and problem-solves safety issues for the school.  In partnership with SSC, the Safety Committee also reviews, revises, and approves the school's annual Safety Plan. Meetings are monthly on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 3:20-4:20 pm in conjunction with SSC.  We are looking for at least 2 more parents for the 2024-25 year


School Events:
School events tend to be one-day volunteer opportunities that allow family members who work or have other commitments to be involved.  They provide a great way to be part of the Durham community, see your child and their peers, and work toward a meaningful goal.
Durham Eagles Fun Run: This annual event serves as the school's main fundraiser.  Students raise money through pledge donations and participate in running/jogging/walking as many laps around the field within the designated time. Volunteers are needed for:

Fun Run planning team: Works with the principal from August - Fun Run in planning and preparing for the event.
Day of Volunteers:  Help teachers tally laps for students.  May also help with other day-of tasks as outlined by the planning team. Volunteers sign up for a minimum of one 2-hour shift.
Other Events & Activities:  Room parent, field trips, shelving books, and prepping project materials are just a few other ways you can get involved!

PTA Events:
The Durham PTA is the supporting group of parents, students, and staff that help to strengthen the spirit of the Eagles community.  It is also the organization that provides fun, engaging opportunities and events for the school community.  PTA often hosts several events throughout the year.  One of these favorite events is Movie Night. PTA has its own governing body and holds meetings monthly which are open to families and staff.  Any Durham student, family, or staff member may join the PTA to support its efforts.  To join the Durham PTA, please click here.

If you are interested in being part of any of the committees listed above,
please email Mrs. Shimomura at jshimomura@fusdk12.net
by August 16, 2024 3pm.
For all other opportunities to get involved, you can email Mrs. Shimomura or the PTA.