Durham Parent Newsletter – Bulletin 3 – October

Principal’s Message...
Thank you parents for encouraging your children to walk and roll to school! Thanks PTA for a successful International Walk and Roll to School Day and for sponsoring the Bike Mobile!

  • Oct. 19 Great Shakeout Earthquake Drill
  • Oct. 20 Deadline PTA Reflections Program
  • Oct. 23-31 Red Ribbon Spirit Week(see details on the next page)
  • Oct. 23 DELAC Mtg
  • Oct. 24 School Site Council (SSC) 3:20 pm @ Rm. 19
  • Oct. 24 6:30 PTA Association Meeting for all
  • Oct. 25 Wed. Early Dismissal Day
  • Oct. 27 Pumpkin Patch
  • Oct. 27 4:30-7:30 Fall Festival at Durham
Eagle Express