Family Newsletter- MAY 2024

Parent Newsletter   |  May 2024   

Every Wednesday
  • Early Dismissal:  Gr. 1-5 @ 1:30  Kinder @ 11:40

Week of May 6 – 10

  • Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week

Friday, 5/10

  • Maker Space Build Day

Tuesday, 5/14

  • Mental Health Awareness Event with Counselor @MUR

    4:00 – 6:00

  • Open House 5:00 – 6:00 (all grades)

Monday, 5/27

  • No School – Memorial Day   

5/28, 5/30 & 5/31

  • Early Dismissal Gr. 1-5 @ 1:30

  • Gr. K regular dismissal @ 1:45

Friday, 5/31

  • Last Day of School
  • 5th Gr. Promotion @ 9:00 in MUR

Hello Forest Park Families,

At his time of the year we  would like to express our thanks to all of the amazing volunteers who have helped us over the course of this school year. Our PTA has continued to support our students and staff in a variety of ways this year and have made it possible for our students to attend on campus and off campus field trips.  They are also partners in establishing our new maker space.  We always encourage you to take part in PTA events and join their highly involved team.  Your acts of kindness may look small, but their impact on the world is enormous. Thank you for your assistance.


We are excited that our MAKER SPACE build day is near.  MAY 10, 2024

We are looking for 10 volunteers Sign Up Link to help with the building of the furniture for the space.  You do NOT need to have any experience, the team from RAFT will show volunteers what to do on the day of the build.   Volunteers will be assisting our students as they build the furniture for this space- you will be trained that day.   No previous building experience necessary.  

Civicore- volunteer Civicore- volunteer link (on campus with supervision)

 Help us make this day a success and consider volunteering.  The maker space will benefit all of our amazing students once it is built. 


The School Site Council (SSC) is composed of two membership groups, school employees and members that represent the community (parents/guardians). 

Membership on the SSC is a two (2) year commitment.  Forest Park’s SSC will have two vacancies in the next school year.  Nominated names will appear on the election ballot in the June Newsletter. Please email with any questions you may have.  More information about our SSC can be found on the school’s website (under the teachers/student tab).  

Please consider nominating yourself to SSC.  Here is the nomination form.



The 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR STARTS ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2024.  All students are expected to report to school on the first day, Wednesday, August 14, 2024. Students who have not attended the first day of school will be dropped at the end of the first day of school. Students who are dropped will not be guaranteed a seat at the school and may have to be overloaded to other schools upon return. The only exceptions will be students who are absent due to illness. If a student is absent the first day due to illness, parents or guardians must notify the school  every day the student is absent Seats will not  be held for students on extended vacations or other optional activities, whether or not the school is notified. (AR5113.1). After 10 consecutive (uninterrupted) school days of unexcused absences, a student is dropped from the roster and must re-enroll at the district office. No exceptions will be made.  



Does your student need to take medication at school or have a health condition we should be aware of? Please be sure to go to:    

to find all the health care and medication forms that need to be completed by your student’s primary care provider. Orders for the 2024-2025 school year must be dated 6/1/24 or later to be valid for the full school year. For further medical questions please contact our school nurse, Bagya Arunkumar at:  Please pick up any medications that are currently at school by May 31. Any medication left after that date will be disposed of.

State Testing 
CAASPP/SBAC Testing Dates- Grades 3-5, May 13 – May 24

Please make note of these dates as tests will not be administered before or after these dates. 



On January 16, 2019, the Fremont Board of Education approved Rights, Respect, Responsibility (3Rs) as the comprehensive health, puberty, and sexuality curriculum (CHPSE) for students in grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and high school Health (typically taken in 9th grade).  The information below is designed to inform families about the curriculum and offer resources to help families support this learning with their children.

Student Learning

If your student is participating in  in-person learning, these are the lessons they will receive:  CHPSE Lessons and Opt Outs – In Person

Opt out

Families may opt their child out of part or all of the curriculum by notifying the teacher or school in writing. Email is the most reliable way to submit an opt out, however a written request may also be mailed to the school. All opt out requests must be received before the first day of instruction. In your communication, please include:

  • Your student’s name, teacher, and grade

  • Your name

  • A statement indicating you wish to opt your child out of these lessons

Sample opt out letters for in-person instruction: In Person: Opt Out Letters

Forest Park lessons by grade level

4th/5th CHPSE dates. Please us link below to preview materials
4th dates- May 17, 23 and 24
5th dates- May 20-22

English Language Advisory Committee and DELAC Representatives Needed 

Each California public school, grades kindergarten through 12, with 21 or more English learners must form an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC).

The ELAC (parents/guardians of English Learners) shall be responsible for advising the principal and staff on:

  •  Programs and services for English learners

  • Working with the School Site Council on the development of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).

We encourage you to self nominate yourself if you are interested in serving on the ELAC committee in the next school year. Here is the link for the form:

Nominations will be open through May 19, 2024

Combo Classed for the 2024-2025 School Year
As we begin getting ready for the  2024-2025 school year it is an important time for us to reach out to you with information about the year.  Because of the growing number of students and because students don’t always neatly match the numbers of teachers at schools, “combinations”, “combos”, or “split classes” are formed to accommodate a group of students at a grade level. This is a common occurrence across Fremont Unified School District as well as the state of California and the nation. Included are common questions and concerns about combination classes for you to review. Here is the link for Combo class 

Mental Health Awareness Month Toolkit banner

Supportive families, communities, and resources can help youth build strong foundations for lifelong well-being. By teaching children and teens coping skills, we can empower them to take charge of their mental health. Know the signs of mental health issues in children and teens. Early diagnosis and treatment can save lives. Start the conversation early: talking about mental health can help children and teens build coping skills and feel comfortable with their emotions. Nurturing relationships and environments are important for helping children and teens develop good mental health and manage life stressors in healthy ways. Good mental health increases the ability of children and teens to practice self-care and face challenges with resilience.
Please visit Ms. Kim, our Counselor and other mental health professionals on May 14th 4-6pm (Open
House) to say hello, ask questions, and get informational materials on Mental Health Awareness.


All sales are online only. The cost is  $30 +tax through May 20, 2024. There will be a limited number for purchase in the office beginning May 28 for $33. CASH ONLY – exact change is preferred. The link to purchase is –

Thank You!