Family Newsletter – APRIL 2024


Family Newsletter   |  April  2024   
Every Wednesday
  • Early Dismissal:  Gr. 1-5 @ 1:30  Kinder @ 11:40

Thursday, 3/28

  • No School – Staff Development Day  

3/29 – 4/5

  • Spring Break – No School

Friday, 4/12

  • D.E.A.R. Day

Wednesday, 4/17

  • Otter Pop Sales – After school in the MUR – $ .25 each

Wednesday, 4/24

  • 5th Gr. Parent Night at Thornto


Hello Forest Park Families,

Friday, April 12, 2024

D.E.A.R Day

Students, wear your pajamas, bring a good book or two and a flashlight (if you have one) to read with your classmates in the MUR. 

You might also consider donating a book to your classroom or our school library.

D.E.A.R. Day, also known as Drop Everything and Read Day, is an annual celebration that takes place on April 12. As the name suggests, this holiday is intended for everyone to dedicate a significant period during the day to reading. The date is a reference to the birthday of one of the most renowned American authors, Beverly Cleary, as she was the first to create the concept of D.E.A.R. This celebration is still observed in the U.S. to this day and is a favorite of many school students.   

Golden Sneaker Contest 2024
Forest Park PTA is happy to announce the winner of the Golden sneaker contest 2024.  Winner:  Grade 4  Rm #403  with 86% participation. 
Congratulations to Rm 403 for winning the Golden sneaker trophy and golden shoelaces. 
Grade Level Runner-Ups
Grade K –  #201   Grade 1 – #301  Grade 2- #305  
Grade 3 – #407   Grade 5 – #406


Lost and Found

The lost and found is now located in front of the school office. All items not claimed by March 26 will be donated to charity. Please ask your child to check the lost and found periodically for any missing items.

State Testing
CAASPP/SBAC Testing Dates- Grades 3-5, May 13 – May 24

Please make note of these dates as tests will not be administered before or after these dates.


School Site Council  NOMINATIONS BALLOT   

The School Site Council (SSC) is composed of two membership groups, school employees and members that represent the community (parents/guardians). 

Membership on the SSC is a two (2) year commitment.  Forest Park’s SSC will have two vacancies in the next school year.  Nominated names will appear on the election ballot in the May Newsletter. Please email with any questions you may have.  More information about our SSC can be found on the school’s website (under the teachers/student tab).  

Please consider nominating yourself to SSC.  Here is the nomination form.

Nominations will be open through April 19, 2024

There are 3 after school SSC meetings each year- typically September, Feb/Mar and April.  The COUNCIL shall evaluate the needs and resources of the school and community, and shall be involved with planning, coordinating, implementing, budgeting, monitoring, analyzing, and evaluating the Forest Park SPSA, Single Plan for Student Achievement. The COUNCIL is the official decision-making body of the SPSA. The COUNCIL shall carry out all other duties and responsibilities assigned to it in the Education Code of the State of California

English Language Advisory Committee and DELAC Representatives Needed 

Each California public school, grades kindergarten through 12, with 21 or more English learners must form an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC).

The ELAC (parents/guardians of English Learners) shall be responsible for advising the principal and staff on:

  •  Programs and services for English learners

  • Working with the School Site Council on the development of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).

We encourage you to self nominate yourself if you are interested in serving on the ELAC committee in the next school year. 

Here is the nomination form.

Nominations will be open through April 19, 2024

All sales are online only. The cost is $30 +tax through May 20, 2024. The link to purchase is –
Use School ID number 292767-2401
There will be a limited number for purchase in the office beginning May 28. CASH ONLY! $33 – exact change preferred.

Thank You! (2)