Policies & Handbook

Parent/Guardian & Student Handbook Notice of Rights & Responsibilities

Glenmoor's homework policy is an integral part of student learning and aligns with the guidelines of FUSD Board Policy 6154. Pursuant to FUSD policy, homework will be reasonable, appropriate, and relevant to each student’s grade level curriculum. Specific homework plans for each teacher will be published at Back‐to‐School Night and on teacher websites. The following is Glenmoor School’s general homework policy.

What is the purpose of homework?

  • Extend, reinforce, and provide independent practice of concepts taught in class
  • Build understanding in preparation for new concepts
  • Build students’ sense of responsibility for their own education and enhancement of study skills

What may be given for homework?

  • New and unfinished assignments which extend and practice concepts taught in class
  • Studying for quizzes/tests
  • Special assignments and long‐term reports

Is homework important?

  • Homework will be reviewed and/or corrected, with feedback given in a timely manner.
  • Completion of homework will be reflected under “study skills” on the report card and may be partially factored into core subject grades.
  • Students with excused absences are allotted the same number of days of the absence to complete missing homework assignments.

When will homework be given?

  • Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday nights.
  • Homework will not be assigned over weekends, during breaks or vacations.
  • Teachers will adjust homework during STAR testing or on special nights (such as Back‐to‐School and Open House).

How long should homework take?

  • In developing homework assignments, teachers will follow the suggested Board guidelines, which are estimated for an average student’s needs. Teachers may make considerations for individual students based on special needs and abilities.
Grade Level Minutes Per Evening Minutes Per Week
Kindergarten 10-15 40-60
First/Second 10-30 40-120
Third/Fourth 30-45 120-180
Fifth/Sixth 45-60 180-240


  • Teachers will assign additional reading minutes based on grade level requirements for literacy and the development of lifelong readers.

FUSD policy requires each school's homework policy to be re‐evaluated annually.

GlenmoorHomeWorkPolicy.pdf (PDF)



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