Reporting an Absence

You can report a student absence by phone or email.

By email
Send the student's first and last name, teacher name or classroom number, reason for absence, date(s) of absence, and a contact phone number where we can reach you with questions.

By phone
Parents/guardians please call the school office recorder:

(510) 656-6438

Using this method saves time, as our attendance clerk must call and verify any unexplained absence on the day it occurs.

Missing School due to Family Emergency/Vacation

If you are taking a trip and your child will miss any school, please remember you MUST either call or write a note to inform us before you leave. If your trip will take your child away from school for five or more school days, you may be eligible to request an Independent Study contract. Please contact the school office at least 10 days prior to your scheduled trip to determine if your child is eligible and to complete the required paperwork.  For more information please review the FUSD Independent Study Policy.