Coordination of Services Team (COST)

COST Presentation- Counselors and Raine Stilwell

Irvington High School has a Coordination Of Services Team (COST) to support students with their social and emotional health. The team is similar to the Student Study Team (SST) in that students are referred to COST because a teacher, counselor, nurse, or other staff member has noticed that a student is struggling. For SST, the referrals are primarily for issues which are academic in nature, and for COST, the referrals are primarily for concerns pertaining to social emotional health. There could be some cross-over. Raine Stilwell is the coordinator for both SST and COST. 

Typical reasons for a referral could be a recent event in the student's personal life, changes in patterns of attendance, observable changes in personal hygiene, observable changes in the student's demeanor or academic performance with depression or anxiety suspected as the primary cause. 

The members of the team include our counselors, a Fremont Youth and Family Services  (YFS) counselor, a HUME center Counselor, our school nurse, a member of the district COST team, and an administrator.

The primary purposes of the COST team are; tracking of student progress, referral to the appropriate counseling services, and continued follow-up to ensure that the student is making progress.


Teachers are to indicate student concerns and possible COST referral by completing a Student Concern Form.
If there is an urgency to the concern (it shouldn't wait until the Tuesday COST meeting), please also contact that student's admin and counselor.