Power Interruptions at Irvington

September 7, 2022


Dear Irvington High School Parents/Guardians,

Yesterday we experienced a power outage in the office and science building, which our school and District staff and contractors worked to resolve by this morning. I appreciate their efforts and work in the high heat to help us serve our students. Our systems were properly functioning though the first half of today’s schedule.

During the second half of the day, we experienced power interruptions to most of the HVAC units that provide air conditioning on our campus. While air is circulating, it is not being cooled. Our classrooms are warmer than desired, but tolerable.

We are continuing to run on a normal schedule today, and will dismiss at our usual time. Instruction and activities at Irvington will continue with a normal schedule on Thursday, September 8.

After students leave campus today, we will continue working to resolve the power issues, ensuring there is a short-term solution (power generator) in place if a longer-term resolution can not be achieved by tomorrow morning.

We will post further updates at the top of the Irvington website homepage as available.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to address this situation and maintain a safe campus for our students and staff.


Stan Hicks