Peer Advocates – Overview

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The Peer Advocates' mission statement is: "The Kennedy Peer Advocates strive to help make Kennedy a safe and accepting environment for all students by welcoming, peer counseling, resolving conflicts, and educating students."  

Got Peers?  Do you ever feel misunderstood or need help solving a problem? Our Peer Advocates strive to make Kennedy a safer environment and to make students feel comfortable being themselves. Students go to Peer Advocates when seeking information or help solving a problem. One can find Peer Advocates around school wearing a pink “Peer Advocate” badge or one can simply go to a staff member to request a Peer.

If you would like to request a Peer Advocate for a student or students who would benefit from conflict mediation, please use the attached form (JFKHS Peer Advocate Request Form).  The Peer Advocates are trained to help other students to be more reflective, responsible, and try to resolve conflict peacefully.  Please be aware that these are high school students and not professional counselors.  If you think your student needs professional help, please consult the appropriate professional.  The Peer Advocates are here though if you know of a student who needs someone to talk to and possibly a positive influence in their life.  
Peer Resources is recruiting! We are looking for students who show care and concern for others, have had life experiences that will help them relate to students from diverse groups, and attend school regularly. All students must complete the application. Applications are to be turned in to Mrs. Zaccheo in room 326.  Click here to see our recruitment video.


Course Descriptions 
Peer Resources 1 
Prerequisite: Approval Process.

The Peer Resource course is a peer assistance program offering students the opportunity to work as trained peer facilitators with other students. Participants will be trained in a variety of helping skills which will enable them to assist other students in having a more positive and productive school experience. Positive peer influence will be utilized as a strategy for addressing such issues as low achievement, dropout prevention, substance abuse prevention, suicide, absenteeism, negative attitudes about school, behavior problems, and other issues of concern in the school.

Peer Resources 2

Prerequisite: Approval Process.

In this Advanced Peer Resource Class, students will obtain advanced skills in communication, facilitation and leadership. Students will gain skills regarding such issues as: substance abuse, violence prevention, suicide prevention and other topics as needed. All students will be responsible in planning, organizing, and implementing programs that will provide a service to the school and/or community.  Students in this course will also take an active role in assisting with the training and project implementation for Peer Resources 1.

Peer Advocates Files

Peer Resources Application.docx (DOCX)


Titan-Tribune-Spring-2015.pdf (PDF)