Being Absent – Student Absences
If your child is ill or will not be attending school, please contact our absence line at 797-4426 and select option 1. Please leave your name, your child"s first and last name, grade level, room number, teacher, and the reason for the absence. Calling in absences also verifies that parents are aware that their child is not attending school that day. If an absence is not verified by a note or a phone call, your child will be marked unexcused. Excessive absences and/or tardies, excused or unexcused, will result in a truancy warning.
Illness at School
District policy and medical guidelines dictate when a student must be sent home from school. Please be aware that we will call you to pick up your child under the following conditions:
- Oral temperature of 99.6 degrees or higher. The student must remain at home and be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.
- Vomiting or persistent nausea
- Signs of communicable disease.
- Nasal discharge that cannot be controlled by tissue.
- Non-allergy related sore throat and/or persistent productive cough. Students may return to school when symptoms cease or when released by a physician.
- Diarrhea - students may return to school only when diarrhea has ceased for 24-hour period.
- Severe headache.
- Persistent nosebleed.
- Rashes of unknown cause. The students will be excluded from school until the rash has cleared up or until a physician states in writing that the rash is not contagious.
Emergency Cards
Cold and flu season is here. It is very important that we have the correct phone numbers to reach parents during the school day. Contagiously sick children need to be sent home as soon as possible so it is vital that our office have your current contact information on your child"s emergency card
Student Medication
If your child needs to take medication during school hours, a "Hold Harmless" form signed both the doctor and parent must be on file in the school office. This applies to over the counter medication as well as prescription medication. Hold Harmless forms must be renewed for each school year. All medication must be kept locked up in the office. This form is available in the office or on the district website. Health Care/Medication Forms.Then click on "Medication at School - Form D" This is the form that needs to be completed by both parent and doctor.