Principal’s Message June 1, 2022


June 1, 2022


Dear Mattos Community,

Thank you to PTA and to the Mattos Community for helping me celebrate my retirement today.  It was so nice to talk with children and parents as well as team members. The last 6 years at Mattos have been a joy as I have worked with and watched your beautiful children learn and grow. I am grateful for the intelligence, kindness, and true neighborliness of the Mattos Community.

I am also very grateful to have had a chance to work with really outstanding teachers and staff at Mattos which is a place that fosters inclusion and collaboration.  Our team both inside the school and out in the community is made up of the best people who work together focused on our common goal of supporting all our students and each other. I know you will all extend the same caring manner to your new principal when they come on board.

Thank you for the beautiful, flowers, thoughtful cards, community created sign, great snacks and fun decorations. It is not often that one gets to be transported to Hawaii on a Wednesday afternoon. You all made today very special and you have made the last 6 years an absolute pleasure. Many thanks for allowing me to be a part of your lives.

With love and gratitude,

Susan Guerrero