Welcome to Mattos

Mattos Elementary is the home of the Eagles, where our students are soaring into science and more! Our K-5 science magnet program offers students in the neighborhood, across Fremont, and from other neighboring cities the opportunity to critically think, communicate, be creative, and collaborate in meaningful ways in and out of our science lab and classrooms. Our science specialists and classroom teachers implement Amplify, our district’s adopted science program, but we have many other ways to enrich our students’ science learning opportunities. Mattos continues to partner with the Math Science Nucleus (MSN) by conducting grade level science projects all year long, and offering our science docent program to all students throughout the school year. Additionally, we are excited to offer our science musical theater program this school year where students have the opportunity to practice their reading, singing, and acting while focusing on science. We are grateful to FUSD and Mattos PTA for supporting this important work. 

We also have an established inclusive learning model where all students are welcomed in a safe and caring learning environment. Our S.O.A.R. expectations are well known by staff and students- Safe, Open Minded, Acting Responsibly, and Respectful. Our school-wide positive behavior system teaches students what it means to S.O.A.R., provides them many opportunities to practice, and be positively rewarded when they achieve that S.O.A.R. success. Our S.A.M. tickets are distributed by all staff and can be redeemed for special prizes at S.A.M.’s Nest. In addition, our full-time counselor supports students in whole class lessons, small group focused lessons, and one-on-one counseling. All staff work closely with families to maintain a strong partnership to support students as they develop and grow.

Mattos Elementary School has a strong community of support for all our students. I would encourage all families to join our amazing Mattos PTA. Your membership will help us continue to provide programs and support for students that strongly make a difference.  There are many events, like our PTA-sponsored Science Nights, pumpkin patch, Fall Festival, Mattos Marathon, and more that your family will enjoy attending this year. 

I wish everyone a wonderful 2024-2025 school year!

Soaring together in education,

Sherea Westra

Mattos Principal