Family Update 03/07/23

Hello Mattos Families! The rain can't make its mind up- does it stay or does it go? 


Please continue to drive and walk safely, especially on rainy days. Just a reminder to all drivers to please slow down in front of the school and wait for pedestrians at the crosswalk. Also, please do not turn around on Farwell, crossing the double yellow line. It makes for very unsafe situations and we don't want anyone injured. Your cooperation everyday is greatly appreciated!


This week's Mattos Family Update can be found here. I'm excited to share results towards our $15,000 Marathon goal (as of Sunday night). Drum roll please….


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Keep those donations coming in! They will make such a difference at Mattos for all our students.


Have a wonderful week! Stay dry!


Together in education,

Sherea Westra

Principal, Mattos Elementary School

"Soar Into Science"