Recent Headlines

Family Update 5/2/2023

May 2, 2023

Greetings Mattos Families,   A huge thank you to everyone who made a donation toward Mattos PTA's Staff Appreciation Week celebration. The staff has LOVED everything…

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Family Update 04/24/23

April 24, 2023

Dear Mattos Families,   I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather this past weekend. We have more sun in store- YEAH!   This week's family…

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Mattos Family Update 4/18/2023

April 18, 2023

Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope everyone enjoyed their time off. Please find this week's Family Update here.   If you haven't been by school…

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SSC/ ELAC Meeting Agenda

April 6, 2023

Dear Mattos Families,   We wish you and your family a wonderful Spring Break! Please take the time to unwind and enjoy the outdoors over break. …

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Family Update April 3, 2023

April 3, 2023

Hello Mattos Families,   Spring Break is right around the corner, but first…OPEN HOUSE! Please see this week's Family Update to learn more!   Just a reminder,…

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Family Update 03/27/23

March 31, 2023

Hello Mattos Families,   Please check out this week's update to view the information shared in last week's  "Positive Discipline" parent ed. A video link to the…

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Family Update 03/20/23

March 20, 2023

Happy Monday Mattos Families,     Have a wonderful week! This week's family update is here.   Hope to see you at our minion marathon, Sherea…

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Family Update 03/13/23

March 13, 2023

Mattos Families,   Happy Monday! I hope you are staying dry in all the rain we've received and more is to come! Just a reminder…

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Family Update 03/07/23

March 7, 2023

Hello Mattos Families! The rain can't make its mind up- does it stay or does it go?    Please continue to drive and walk safely, especially…

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Family Update 2/27/23

February 27, 2023

Hello Mattos Families,   It's hard to believe it's the end of February and March is just a few days away!    This week's update…

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