Los Angeles Fires – What can we do to help?
The devastation from the Los Angeles fires is unimaginable, and many of us are deeply concerned for family and friends affected by evacuations or, even worse, the loss of homes, businesses, and even lives. What can we do to help?
FUSD is recommending the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation to streamline donation efforts and maximize our community’s impact. The LAFD Foundation spends the majority of its donations on programs and services that will benefit all who receive support from LAFD. MSJE will not be collecting donations, however direct donations would be greatly appreciated by all those in need.
How to donate:
ONLINE: Donate here
BY MAIL: Please make checks payable to the LAFD Foundation and send to:
        Attention: LAFD Foundation
        1700 Stadium Way, #100
        Los Angeles, CA 90012
BY PHONE: Call (310) 552-4139 to donate via phone. Your credit card and contact information will be collected to process the donation.
On behalf of MSJE, we are sending out good thoughts to all who are directly and/or indirectly affected by the tragic fires.