Vista Alternative

Vista Alternative School Overview

Vista Alternative is Fremont Unified School District’s Independent Study program for students in seventh to twelfth grade. The program offers engaging learning tailored to an independent model of instruction and learning. Vista students usually show a strong academic background that supports their capabilities of learning through the independent study model.

Vista Alternative is an opportunity for students who:
● Are academically independent
● Are motivated and self-disciplined
● Willingness to work on a computer for 6+ hours a day
● Have strong time management skills
● Are comfortable with less daily social interaction
● Recognize that they will not have access to extracurricular activities at their home school such as athletics, dances, etc.

Vista Alternative offers:
● A blended learning model, blending in-person and at home settings
● A rigorous A-G curriculum
● Dual enrollment for AP courses
● An online platform with student access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
● Personalized transcript analysis
● Flexible pacing within the semester schedule to meet the needs of students
● Experienced teachers to facilitate all work for the online platform
● A variety of workspaces to accommodate different learning needs
● A wellness center with access to mental health coaches
● COST (Coordination of Services Team)
● SST (Study Study Team)
● AOD (Alcohol and Other Drug) Services

Success in school is guaranteed with proper planning, self-discipline, and academically focused behavior. Classes are comprised of a blended learning model that includes rigorous content available through the Edmentum program, teacher instruction, tutorials, and group discussion. Edmentum is an approved course provider by the University of California (UC) “a-g” program.

The academic counselor creates a learning plan for each student and reviews it quarterly. Learners will meet the state core learning standards in subject areas necessary for graduation. The learning system is a “mastery” based concept established upon what the student knows and is able to master. The eighteen-week semester courses are rigorous and meet the California educational requirements including Core Subject “a-g” requirements. Although students are only required to attend class in person a minimum of two times a week, they must work throughout the week at home to complete the 5 days of tasks provided in each week of the 6 assigned courses.

Earning Credits:
5 credits are earned for completing the course modules, post-tests, and end of semester assessments.
Participation is shown through engagement in learning. Students who do not earn a minimum of 60% onthe work will not pass the class and will not earn any credits. NO partial credit is earned!

Approximate Grade Breakdown Grading Scale Grade Earned
10 % Module 100%- 90% A
5% Discussion 89%- 80% B
25% Post-test 79%-70% C
25% Activity 69%-60% D
35% End-of-Semester Assessment Below 60% F

Edmentum Grading: Grades are done on a percentage basis. Pre-Tests, Post-Tests, and End of Semester Assessments MUST be UNLOCKED by the teacher and taken only on the VISTA campus. To “master” a module students complete a tutorial and a 5-10 question test. Each Unit has a post-test. Each course has an end-of-course test. Students may retake module tests, but the post-tests and finals are limited to one attempt. Some courses include Unit and Course Activities which require planning, research, writing, powerpoint presentations, and speeches. Students will need to see the instructor prior to embarking on these tasks. Be sure to allow extra time in your pacing to accommodate these assignments.

Vista Staff Contact Information
Salvador Herrera, Principal
(510) 657-9155
Ext. 49105

Sheila Jemo, Assistant Principal
(510) 657-9155
Ext. 49111

Sarah Wilson, Registrar
(510) 657-9155
Ext. 49103

Mike Hellerud, Counselor
(510) 657-7028
Ext. 49206

Sarah Monte, Teacher
(510) 657-7028
Ext. 49217

Colette Moran-Medina, Teacher
(510) 657-7028
Ext. 49227

Aliya Babar, Teacher
(510) 657-7028
Ext. 49248

Jonah Stanford, Teacher
(510) 657-7028
Ext. 49236

Mary Verghese, Teacher
(510) 657-7028
Ext. 49218

Mrs. H, Principal's Secretary
(510) 657-9155
Ext. 49101

Nan Zhao, Vista Attendance Clerk
(510) 657-7028
Ext. 49200