Sarah Monte – Teacher

Welcome to Mrs. Monte's Page
Subjects: Expository Reading & Writing, English Composition

Contact Information

School phone: (510) 657-9155 ext. 49016
Email: Please use email


1st Period No class
2nd Period English 12 (ERWC)
3rd Period English 12 (ERWC)
4th Period English 12 (ERWC)

Greetings parents and students!  I have been at Robertson since 2012-2013, and I absolutely LOVE it. Our small class sizes truly enable us to get to know our students more personally.  I believe that my classroom should be a positive and emotionally safe place for my students, and I will do everything I can to help them succeed: I am always willing to meet before school, after school, or during lunch if you need extra help -- just let me know ahead of time so I can make sure to be there.

I tend to focus my teaching on controversial topics related to social justice, including racial and gender equality, fair workplace conditions, and humane treatment of animals, just to name a few.  Why?  I believe that topics such as these encourage students to think critically for themselves, truly learn and care about the world around them, and to see how their actions affect others. The ultimate goal of education is for students to become informed, concerned, and contributing members of society who can think critically for themselves by analyzing complex problems.

Who am I outside of the classroom? I love anything outdoors in nature: rock climbing, backpacking, hiking, camping, etc., and I also love to have game nights with friends (board games, card games, etc.).  I am conversationally fluent in American Sign Language, and l love animals!  I recently got a dog, but I have also had cats.  My husband and I have been married since 2009, and we hope to have children someday!