Dual Enrollment Requests

Some AHS classes qualify for Dual Enrollment credit.  This means students may receive college credit for classes they are enrolled in during their school day.  These classes include Symphonic Band, ASL 1 and 2, Digital Photo, 2D animation, all levels of Architecture and some sections of Art 1 and Anatomy and Physiology. Many MVROP courses also qualify for college credit.  The list of these courses can be found in the FUSD course catalog.  To receive college credit for these courses, students will sign up using the paperwork provided by their classroom teacher.

Some students may opt for added enrichment by enrolling in courses at local community colleges during their time at AHS.  These courses will not impact placement in courses at AHS and will not appear on the AHS transcript. Most community colleges will require administrative approval for this type of coursework; these requests for approval should be sent to Assistant Principal Garcia.  Students should be in good standing with grades and attendance prior to submitting their requests. Courses can not be approved for dual enrollment if they overlap with current AHS offerings.  Students should check the FUSD course catalog for overlap prior to submitting their requests for approval.  AHS does not provide any paperwork for this type of college enrollment.  Students should seek enrollment information from the college they wish to attend.