Providing Emotional Support For Your Children During School Closures

Dear Families,

During this uncertain time, your child may feel a range of emotions including sadness, stress, anxiety, as they are adjusting to the mandated shelter-in-place and navigating remote learning. Even if children aren't able to identify and verbalize their feelings, take some time with them so they know they can share those emotions with you.  Stress presents differently in each individual child.  Here are a few tips:

  • Let your child feel their emotions - listen, support, and validate their feelings
  • Stick to a routine - this helps children feel secure amidst the many changes that are happening around them.  For older children, work collaboratively with them to develop a schedule and give them space to self-regulate and check-in as needed
  • Create welcome distractions such as a movie/game night, go for a walk, bake together

The tabs to the left are a list of resources intended to provide support and information, and I will continue to update with new information. 

Please feel free to contact me via email if you have any questions or need support.

Sincerely,  Jessica Ng